Think You would like the Tuna Tang from The Straight Outta Prison Podcast? Here’s the Recipe!

2 years ago

This recipe has been requested since we published Season 1 of The Straight Outta Prison Podcast! I’m showing you exactly how we did it, including making it in a trash bag. You will love it! If you’re skeptical, we did a taste test at the end. Check it out!

2- Maruchan instant lunch chicken soups in a cup
2- Cans of your favorite Tuna
1/2 Bag of Cool Ranch Doritos, crushed
1 Container of Cheese Whiz
2 Tablespoons of Mayo
1 Teaspoon of Mustard
Salt & Pepper
Honey Wheat Bread or Tortillas

Step 1: Cook your Soups. Eat some water in the microwave, or on the stove top, and fill cups to the top. Let them sit for 5 to 8 minutes.

Step 2: Drain the liquid off the soup, and pour noodles into a bowl (or if you’re in Prison, save the soup box and line it with a clean garbage bag) Chop up noodles with a fork.

Step 3: Get violent with the Cool 😎 Ranch Doritos. Crush them up.

Step 4: drain The water off the tuna, and dump it in. Chop it up into bite-size pieces.

Step 5: Add in Mayo, Mustard, Cheese Whiz, Salt, & Pepper. Mix it up until all ingredients are incorporated.

Step 6: Add in your crushed Cool Ranch Doritos. Mix lightly.

Step 7: You’re ready to Tuna Tang!!! Spoon it on 3 pieces of Honey Wheat Bread, or into a Flour Tortilla (for the Latin Version)

Enjoy!!! Tuna Tang stays good in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

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