🌍 Soul journey ❤️ Montenegro Sutomore Old castle in sunset

1 year ago

Hello my Beloved!

How are you doing today?

How is your world doing?

Are you totally being yourself?

Are you totally being happy?

Just live the best life, that you can! Today!

My passion is to explore everything about happiness, law of attraction … how to live the best life – that you can! Today!

Today you are going with me on this beautiful old castle on the top of the hill. In Monetenegro – Sutomore!

We couldn’t find at first the way up. Then we had luck. It seemed like the right path. But not many people walked there. But we made it through! When we were heading down, we found better way. Maybe we should go up near the shore. Next time…

The higher we went, the more view opened.

The way up was so beautiful, because it was time of the sunsetting. All was bathing in golden light. It was pure magic!

On the top of the hill were the ruins of the old castle.

We didn’t know where to go in. The wall was too high to climb. Then we went on to discover the hole in the castle wall – where people were already climbed in. In the end, we discovered the spacious doors. Main entrance… It would be easiest to get in there!

The castle had a beautifully preserved fort. From there was the most beautiful view of the Sutomore’s beach. I climbed all the ends of the castle and explored around! It was so interesting!

On the way back we discovered a gap. Down below was the sea. It was such a beautiful view!

It was a clear day, so it was visible far away.

The way down was light. In the distance we heard the music, which was an invitation ... to continue a wonderful evening!

You are magnificent being of the Universe!

Just bring this inner beauty outside!

SUPPORT Mateja's work via Donations: PayPal.Me/Kateja888

Lovely sweet day!


P.S.: Be yourself! Have #fun! Be delicious... insideoutward!



T I K T O K: https://www.tiktok.com/@matejakateja

T E L E G R A M: https://t.me/Sledisvojemusrcu

T U M B L R: https://matejakateja.tumblr.com/

B L O G: https://matejakateja.blogspot.com

I N S T A G R A M: @matejakateja https://www.instagram.com/matejakateja

F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/katejamatejakoser

f o r D A I L Y I N S P I R A T I O N: katejadailyinspo@gmail.com


Music: www.bensound.com


#light #Earth #nature

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