🌍 Soul journey ❤️ Noche de la mezcla LATINA True Fellas Austria Gleisdorf

2 years ago

Hello my Beloved!

Today we are going something special! To place True Fellas with my best frieds Rachel and Guzal.

Rachel invited me, because she knows, that I love to dance. And I love talking to her! Always! Guzal asked, why don’t we take she wit us!

So, we went!

It was the best dancing night ever. We danced outside! Mexican food was amazing!

Night was so fast by! We danced Despacito Luis Fonsi many times, and that is all that I listen now!

I’m so grateful for my fried, that she invited me! And Guzal! It was the best time ever!

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Lovely sweet day!


P.S.: Be yourself! Have #fun! Be delicious... insideoutward!



T I K T O K: https://www.tiktok.com/@matejakateja

T E L E G R A M: https://t.me/Sledisvojemusrcu

T U M B L R: https://matejakateja.tumblr.com/

B L O G: https://matejakateja.blogspot.com

I N S T A G R A M: @matejakateja https://www.instagram.com/matejakateja

F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/katejamatejakoser

f o r D A I L Y I N S P I R A T I O N: katejadailyinspo@gmail.com


Music: www.bensound.com


#light #Earth #nature

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