So After Reading all Your Comments, Here's How I'm going to Respond 🤔

2 years ago

What is the point in having information if you can’t pass it along and help others? So, you have asked, Dustin answered!! In the latest episode of Electrician U, Dustin answers some of the questions yall have been asking him lately.

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First up let’s discuss some questions from a recent video Dustin did regarding what to do if you don’t have a plan? One of our followers says “Lutron is trash. Cheap for profit”. Well, that is just one person’s opinions. As a whole, Lutron puts out many fine products that run through a wide range of applications and price ranges. Definitely worth looking into for a lighting control system. Keeping in mind that just because one person does not like something that it is automatically junk! It may be just different than they are used to using. It may also be that the person is pairing something against an upper-level manufacturer or model. Would be like comparing a ford truck to a Ferrari! Both are certainly nice, and both are useful, but both are distinctly different.
Another viewer wrote a comment on the same topic stating “This is the GC Purview. That person is supposed to know the where, when, why, who of everything happening. Is this a normal situation. Stop working for this GC. They are not doing their job. Sooner or later, they will lead you to a very bad place”. First of all, it may NOT be the GC that is heading up the not having a plan issue. In many cases it is the customer. The one paying your bill! In addition, that customer may have a rough idea of what they want, and are expecting you, the professional, to come up with solutions/plans on your own. In fact, quite frequently in the commercial construction realm, there is something called design/build. This is where, again, the customer has loose design parameters and enlists the help of the contractors working the job to figure out the particulars. Usually, this type of work lends itself to the contractor being able to charge a premium rate for these services.
Another writes “In looking at your videos- do you ever use a scope camera when troubleshooting? I keep one in the van, and it has paid for itself many times over. From fishing wires in walls to troubleshooting issues in inaccessible spaces to needing to see something that you can’t get into otherwise, it is well worth the expense. If you do have one, could you do a video on when to use it? Thanks in advance”. The simple answer to the overall question is yes, we do have more than one and Klein is the manufacturer. This type of equipment, while not cheap, is very helpful/necessary for the reasons you mention above, but primarily of most use to someone in the Electrical Service industry. There are so many specialized pieces of equipment that are very helpful to have from Meggers to Multimeters with many functions, to various types of lift type equipment to reach those hard to get to places. Each and every one is useful to have, but you must be selective in which you buy, or you will wind up with a lot of equipment and have spent a fortune to get it!
To find out the answers to all the questions asked in this video, make sure and watch it all! We really appreciate the comments and questions! They all are very helpful in deciding what to actually make videos on. Is there a topic you would like to see or a question that you have you need answers to? Leave a comment in the section below. Please continue to follow Dustin and Electrician U as we are constantly adding new content to help our followers be the best electricians they can be!

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