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The Vortex — Conserving What, Exactly?

2 years ago

Looks more like constant retreat.

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  • 0/2000
  • If Saint John Chrysostom came back and read his moral oriented sermons in a fundamentalist Church, he would be cheered. If he read the parts of confession, fasting, prayer, and VIGILS he would be ignored or worse. If Saint John Chrysostom came back and read his moral oriented sermons in an urban Orthodox or Catholic Church, the congregation would do to him exactly what Eudoxia did to him 1600 years ago - exile and martyrdom. At some juncture when Saint John Chrysostom, a wonderworker, was thinking of going soft in his sermons, the Lord came to him and said he could choose his See or Jesus. He chose Jesus.

    1 like
  • “Good people have to climb up hill, bad people get to run down it.” Excellent way to put it. How often have we heard the phrase, “It’s a slippery slope.”?

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  • Kinda disagree. Many conservative people do stand their ground and dig their heels in. I think March for Life is one aspect. Another is civil war in the USA. Not sure about other places around the world. Pray to Mary to win a war, that;s another.

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  • Do you offer lapel pins for sale!?? Really like the ones Michael wears!

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  • "A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it." ~ G.K. Chesterton

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