Cardiac Cycle Part 3 - Ejection, Isovolumetric Relaxation, and Filling

1 year ago

FREE Cardiac Cycle Guide -

The Cardiac cycle is one that a lot of people struggle with. In this video, I break down the last three phases of the cycle so that you can understand it.

First two parts:
Cardiac Cycle 1 -
Cardiac Cycle 2 -

Topics Covered:
00:00 Intro
01:13 Pressure Buildup
01:46 Ejection Phase
03:23 Rapid vs Slow Ejection
04:03 Cardiac Cycle Guide
04:15 Blood Pressure
05:39 Blood Volume
06:29 EKG and T Wave
07:05 Isovolumetric Relaxation
08:40 Dicrotic Notch
09:36 Heart Sound
09:59 Ventricular Filling
10:57 Cardiac Cycle Recap

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