GIANT BOBCAT Terrorizes Locals!!! (Caught on tape in my driveway).

1 year ago

Late yesterday evening I heard a group of local residents on 4 wheelers driving the trail behind me causing a commotion.
Some crows were going crazy earlier so I went out to investigate and chase them off and soon after the locals came driving up...

I heard one of them yelling "I SAW A BOBCAT AND IT CHASED ME'! If it would have caught me, it would have tore me to pieces!!!".

I don't know these folks but apparently they know me as being 'The Hermit'. They were heard saying 'Hi Thomas', 'Hi Hermit' as they were driving away.
I was making this video about my new USA Air Force Issue boots when I spotted 2 eyes glowing in the driveway. To my surprise it was the creature headed toward my burn pile where I throw my empty chili cans. So that's why I have been finding these cans in different locations in the woods!

I am making a sign next week that will say Bobcat Crossing and setting up my trail cam to see what shows up.

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