Want to block my driveway, officer? It's gonna be another minute or two on coffee.

1 year ago

Want to block my driveway, officer? It's gonna be another minute or two on coffee.

About a decade ago, I worked an early morning shift at a fast food restaurant. We opened at 6am, so I had to be at work at 5am.

I would leave my house at about 445am every morning. My management was pretty relaxed about the opening shift. Clocking in up to 10 minutes late wasn't really an ordeal, as long as you showed up ready to go.

I came outside at 445 to find that a local police officer has pulled someone over and is now blocking my driveway.

This has happened before, but normally in the afternoon, and normally I just ask the officer to move forwards or back a couple of feet and then I pull in or out of the driveway. No sweat.

This officer, however, angrily informs me that I will have to wait till he's done. I snap a picture of his car, text it to my manager and explain my tardiness.

40 minutes later, the police officer FINALLY moves. I scramble into the car and head to work. I get there 15 minutes before we open. I frantically start to brew tea, fetch ice, having to condense my 50 minute routine into 15. I almost forgot to brew coffee.

Opening time rolls around, and the first group of customers come in. It's a group of our local police officers, led by the captain. I guess they're about to do a shift change. One of the officers in the group is the one who blocked my driveway.

Anyway, the Captain orders coffee, and I regretfully inform him that there's a five minute wait on coffee because I got to work extremely late. Captain asks why, so I pulled out my phone and explained that one of his officers blocked my driveway for 45 minutes for a routine traffic stop.

Captain proceeds to chew out that officer in front of all of his colleagues and exclaims that nothing short of a life or death emergency should block my driveway if it will interfere with him getting his morning coffee.

It was never blocked again. And the Captain always got his coffee at 6am, without interruption.

#reddit #pettyrevenge #tts

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