Jewish Son of Holocaust✡️Survivor Leads Holocaust Dad to Jesus🇮🇱;Israel Covenant&Prophecy Update‼️

2 years ago

Insurance Actuarial Analyst and a “Fellow” of the professionally elite “Casualty Actuarial Society” (FCAS), Allen Rosenbach, the Jewish son of a Holocaust Survivor, who came Christ at a Messianic Passover Seder in 1988, returns to share how he lead his Holocaust survivor Dad to Jesus. Also, God’s unbreakable “Abrahamic Covenant” with Israel 🇮🇱 reviewed; Finally, Prophecy update in light of U.S. President Biden’s recent trip to Israel 🇮🇱 whereupon Biden called for a division of the land of Israel into a Jewish and non-Jewish state and whether this will result in God’s Judgment/Curse upon America 🇺🇸 (pt 2 of 2)

South Beach Saturday Sermon Special Event, July 16, 2022 Jewish Son of Holocaust✡️Survivor Leads Holocaust Dad to Jesus🇮🇱;Israel Covenant & Prophecy Update‼️

PART 1: Jewish Son of Holocaust ✡️Survivor Comes to Christ-awaits Pre-Trib Rapture of the Church‼️💖 🇮🇱✨

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