Darkside Tire Mount with a Rabaconda

2 years ago

This is a short time-lapse video showing the removal and mounting of a car tire on a motorcycle wheel. This ‘car tire on the rear wheel of a motorcycle’ practice is commonly known as the Darkside by motorcyclists.

Typically, new Darksiders and even seasoned ones have difficulty finding a shop to mount a car tire on their motorcycle wheel and they opt to do the job themselves. There are many methods to do this successfully, but none easier than using a Rabaconda tire changer. This whole process in the video took me less than half an hour. During that time I also cleaned the bead area on the rim and replaced my valve stem.

This Rabaconda can be broken down and carried anywhere in a supplied duffel bag. You could literally be the Darkside or motorcycle tire installer in your area and make a side gig out of it. You could easily do 6-8 tire changes in a day with this machine depending on your travel time between changes. You can change any motorcycle tire with this machine. That’s what it is designed for, but I can confirm and you can see in the video that you can also do Darkside changes with it too.I can’t recommend these things enough.

Full disclosure. I contacted Rabaconda to ask about this machine’s capability with Darkside tire changes. They told me they had gotten many questions from other potential customers about that very thing and could not answer those questions for lack of experience with the Darkside. I explained it too then and they offered to send me the machine on loan if I would video my attempt. I was so happy with the result, I offered to buy it, but they told me to keep it as a thanks for helping confirm that it can also be used for Darkside changes.

Still, it is worth buying if you are a DIYer, if you go through a lot of motorcycle tires or if you’d like to start your own gig. You can’t beat this Rabaconda Street Bike Tire Changer system. It’s so easy that it’s actually fun.

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