Building a Type-1 Planetary Society on Earth

1 year ago

Currently humanity is threatened by the collapse of its existing global socioeconomic infrastructure. Despite the attempt of the Cabal to oppress society's awareness of this truth, more & more humans are becoming aware that we are on the brink of the greatest paradigm shift ever witnessed in human history. This is the founding of a Type-1 Planetary Society on Earth. However, the mission of "We the People" is not quite over yet! We must come to the understanding of the existing threat of the Illuminati (a.k.a. Cabal) and its current attempts to maintain their oligarchical control over human civilization. Humanity is presently held hostage by the wealthy-elite members of society within the socioeconomic operations of a debt-based monetary system. This system has become the fundamental limitations to our ability to share our achievements in true equality. This limitation as we now witness it, within our existing socioeconomic society, has become a plutocratic slave-state for all humanity on a global scale. We have been forced to live our lives as financially indentured servants within this global plutocracy for many generations now. This plutocratic society is controlled by the Cabal which many people don't even realize is the etiological manifestation of all our wars, depression, crime, and human suffering in our modern day society. However, for the first time in history, the search for freedom within human civilization has now reached the scale of global awareness. And, by evolving this into a shared awareness of truth, we the people, can establish an alternative infrastructure that will lay the foundation of a more advanced human civilization known as a Type-1 Planetary Society of Earth. This civilization would establish as a global democracy instead of forcing us to live within the confines of our existing plutocratic slave-state. However, humanity is presently kept ignorant to this potential possibility for our imminent development into a more advanced human civilization. It is the through this present-day oppression of humanity, that the Cabal prevent our natural abilities to advance ourselves into a Type-1 Planetary Society of Earth. Thus, we the people, need to become a shared awareness of truth & love, that will readily invite all our fellow members of society to come partake in this advancement of human civilization. Thus, we invite you to come explore this alternative lifestyle in a way that becomes our self-developing construct of a Provisional Type-1 Planetary Society on Earth. This construct will represents the launching of an "Institutionalization of Truth" that we now call the M&M Foundation. And we invite you to come walk with us as we help you to explore your own greatest potential. By finding this functional role within the development of this advanced society on earth, together, we will seek the self-actualization of our spiritual oneness with all. And this self-actualization will become our establishment of a United Democratic Federation of Earth. Godspeed unto you, your friends, your family, and all our shared journeys ahead!

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