sign the wavier against all legal action and destroy lives

1 year ago

if everyone is as terrible as my parents who signed wavers which caused a medical accident but the waviers were signed. to bad so sad.

had a 3ng /dl testosterone level was so sick i was bed ridden for years thyroid gone test gone pituitary gone

not really that important

now i take meds for life do monthly blood work forever and injections and bags of meds immune system is wiped

vit d without 12000 iu is 20.

had osteoporosis
brain infections
infections in every part of my body
almost died of sepsis to many times to count

this is what uneducated parents do and how they do more damage then good

to this day its my fault apparently i should have ??? idk what i was under age i didn't know anything

media controls to many ppl to many children have their lives ruined bc parents just do whatever doctors say and question nothing

so ear infections so much i had tubes put in

throat infections so much had my tonsils removed

so many oral infections lost half my teeth

ruptured intestines almost died from infections

brain infections was in bed for over a yeat almost died.

thinga have consequences and other ppl have to live with thw stupid mistakes others make for them..

some ppl shouldnt have a pet let alone a child.

it would have been better if wolves raised me

Canadian medical system makes everyone into a lab rat. most meds i had are now banned due to the toxic and deadly effects. glad i had no say in that

if thr doctors make anyone sign a no liability wavier thats bad news

means they are so scared that something terrible will happen and so unsure they want no part in what happens

everyone needs to wake up

well at least i will have understanding soon

misery loves company

i should be dead more times then i can count

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