BFGC - Jan 8, 2022 Spiritual Inventory

1 year ago

Followers of Christ are called to live Holy and Righteous lives and to rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance every day. If we love God we will follow His Ways and seek to please Him in everything that we do. Many believers today think that Yehovah is available for solving all of their problems and exists to make their lives happy. The Bible tells us that if we accept God's Plan of Salvation we will be called to trust Him in our lives, to live by Faith in His Will, and to take up our crosses and follow His Plan regardless of where it leads. Put your trust in the redemption provided by Yeshua and do not lean on your own understanding, but live by Faith in God's unchanging plan.

Love God, Love your Neighbor, Preach the Kingdom
Make Disciples, Sanctify the Name of Yehovah

Berean Podcast Series:
Bible Studies:

AKJV Free Bible:

Prayer Line: 435.578.8022

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