Biden BUSTED - “Totally Irresponsible”

1 year ago

Guess where we just found out classified documents were discovered? President Joe Biden’s personal office that he kept in Washington D.C. AFTER he, as Vice President, and President Obama left the White House in 2017.
As reported by Fox News:
"A batch of records from President Biden's time as Vice President, including a "small number of documents with classified markings," were discovered at the Penn Biden Center by the president's personal attorneys on Nov. 2, according to Richard Sauber, special counsel to the White House.
The attorneys found the documents in a locked closet while preparing to vacate office space at the center, which the president used from mid-2017 until he began the 2020 campaign."
Mid-2017. That means President Biden had CLASSIFIED documents containing sensitive (including to the level of SCI), potentially dangerous information, just sitting in a closet in his personal office, controlled by a Pennsylvania university where who knows who could have found them, for SIX YEARS.
What’s truly interesting about this discovery is not just that Biden had the documents in his possession, but what President Biden himself previously said about reports of private documents being discovered during the FBI’s brazen raid of President Trump’s Mar-a-lago home.
When he was asked by Scott Pelley on 60 Minutes for his reaction to images of documents found in Trump’s home office, Biden responded:
"How that could possibly happen. How one-- anyone could be that irresponsible. And I thought, what data was in there that may compromise sources and methods? By that I mean names of people who helped or, et cetera. And just, . . . totally irresponsible."
Should the FBI raid President Biden’s private homes now? Will there be a special congressional committee? As my dad said, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Both President’s should be treated equally. But I’m afraid if we leave it to the Biden Justice Department, there will almost certainly be none of that.
It’s worth noting that this timeline also indicates that Biden was in possession of these classified documents at the time the Left was trying to impeach President Trump over his dealings with Ukraine. Since the files are STILL CLASSIFIED, we don’t know exactly what is inside them. But look what CNN reports is in some of these documents:
"Among the classified documents from Joe Biden’s time as vice president discovered in a private office last fall are US intelligence memos and briefing materials that covered topics including Ukraine, Iran and the United Kingdom, according to a source familiar with the matter."
Information about Ukraine? And the former Vice President forgot he’d shoved them in a closet instead of turning them over to be archived properly? Weird coincidence, huh?
I’d also love to see the documents pertaining to Iran, considering the Biden Administration has been trying to negotiate with Iran since, well BEFORE he even took office, undermining our own country. Iran is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, so we have to ask, why? I can’t help but wonder if the answers might be in those documents.
The ACLJ legal team is already looking into this one, and believe me, if action needs to be taken, we will take it swiftly. It’s time for the bright light of truth to be turned onto this Administration.

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