Nov 1, 2007 🎺 The Lord says... Israel is Mine!... Watchmen, sound the Trumpet

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The Lord says… ISRAEL IS MINE!… Watchmen, sound the Trumpet!

November 1, 2007 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord God… Weep, O nations! Cry, all peoples! The Lord has lifted up His voice, and His face is set hard against you!…

O mighty and perverse nations, you shall be forsaken and left utterly desolate!… IN RUINS! Says The Lord God of Hosts. No more shall you contend with Me in your uplifting, in your upholding, of all this wickedness!… YOU HAVE FORSAKEN ME! No more shall you stand there before My face, with your noses in the air!

Behold, even My own people go the way of the afflicted of sin, following after those desolate of The Spirit who remain married to this world…

Yet I shall save them out of all their troubles! For My own name’s sake will I do it!… For the sake of Judah, I will cover them; For the sake of Jacob, I shall hold them in safety; And for the sake of David, My servant, I shall gather them under My wing.

O city of David, My Jerusalem, give Me glory! For The Lord has seen your travail, for it has come. Yet it shall not stand, for you are Mine… I am married unto you! Vengeance is Mine! Says The Lord. And I, Myself, shall go before you and fight against them!

And those who devise evil against you shall be thrown down! They shall not stand! For they have agreed together as one, and as one shall their agreement be turned into death… The grave shall be their reward!

Recompense, in full, shall I give them in My hot displeasure! In My fury I shall destroy them!… Save a sixth part who shall not be counted among the condemned, the punished of My anger, says The Lord.

Beloved of The Shepherd, this you shall see; Lo, you shall behold it with your own eyes… And shortly thereafter, you and yours shall be no more in the earth.

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