What has happened since Friday?

2 years ago

Going to show what happened during Friday and the aftermath so we can hold the Republicans in the House of Representives accountable for their actions.

Rep. Mike Rogers: 'I regret that I briefly lost my temper' with Matt Gaetz - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/rep-mike-rogers-i-regret-that-i-briefly-lost-my-temper-with-matt-gaetz/ar-AA166SNY

UPDATE: GOP Rep Walks Back Promise To Step Down From Top Committee After House Floor Fight - https://dailycaller.com/2023/01/09/mike-rogers-steps-down-steering-committee-matt-gaetz/

Been punching walls, @DanCrenshawTX? - https://twitter.com/KeithMalinak/status/1611586411924258817

Rep. Dan Crenshaw apologizes for calling anti-McCarthy GOP colleagues 'terrorists': 'Things get heated and things get said' - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/rep-dan-crenshaw-apologizes-for-calling-anti-mccarthy-gop-colleagues-terrorists-things-get-heated-and-things-get-said/ar-AA166E3k

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