Dr. McCullough: "It Looks Like The mRNA Is Transferring From The Vaccinated To The Unvaccinated"

1 year ago

Very important: when spike protein is found but no virus that is proof beyond any reasonable doubt that the patient died from the vaccine and not from COVID, for example spike protein in the brains of children that died from the vaccine.
This way vaccine deaths can be proven beyond any reasonable doubt.
Spike protein found in autopsies but no virus proves it was the mRNA injection.
No virus but spike protein found by doing autopsies proves it was the "vaccine".

Though it's not a vaccine according to many doctors it's gene therapy, a Frankenclotshot and some call it a lethal injection I sometimes call it a vaccine to make the point because many people are conditioned with lies and they would disbelieve what you say when you call it a Frankenclotshot or slow kill inoculation.

The COVID rates are down, the death rates are up. I've proven premeditated mass murder with the mRNA frankenclotshots with ten facts, their own scientific peer reviewed studies and official numbers prove causation not just a correlation.

Activated microglia triggered by the spike protein. Spike protein in the brains of the mRNA Frankenclotshot injected.

The people that did this must be held accountable and punished for their premeditated mass murder with the Frankenclotshots to stop the "vaccine" genocide going on and prevent mass inoculation with slow kill inoculations in our future.

The genocidal Ministers of Health and genocidal treasonous WEF politicians are guilty of mass murder. Peaceful protests are not gonna cut it. Dr. McCullough makes some very important and verifiably true sharp statements about the Frankenclotshot genocide that has already occurred in this video.

Pro vaxers are guilty of mass murder if you ask me because there are better natural cures and natural prophylactic measures for all the diseases they pretend of that your child must be injected with poisons for and naturally acquired immunity is better than vaccine induced unnatural immunity in most if not all cases.

91 studies prove naturally acquired immunity provides better protection than the COVID-19 vaccines 🍎💧☀💃🕺worldfreedomalliance October 23, 2021

Natural Immunity to COVID-19 May Last a Lifetime, New Studies Show ⚕Newspunch May 30, 2021

Studies reveal nine out of 10 COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented if people had adequate Vitamin D levels 🦊foxnews December 25, 2020.

Pubmed Central study of October 13 2021: COVID-19 Mortality Risk Correlates Inversely with Vitamin D3 Status, and a Mortality Rate Close to Zero Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3⚕

Health of Pure Bloods Threatened by Shedding of mRNA and Spike Protein

Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine alters Human DNA – The Expose

Official Pfizer document that makes clear people can be "exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact" (page 67). Study intervention = "RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines"

Grassroots Campaigns - A scam, and outright misleading. | Glassdoor

Grassroots Campaigns Scam Exposed [aka find the rat] — Steemit

#6 Billionaire Funded Fake Grassroots

Create your own movement, press charges and keep exposing the evil tyrants guilty of mass murder that want to genocide us all.

Qua doctors out there that expose the Frankenclotshot genocide to a certain extend I think Doctors Tenpenny, Ryan Cole, Peter McCullough, Vernon Coleman, Charles Hoffe, and the expert Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche are the best out there.

These doctors have no reason to pretend there are ingredients in the vial vials injected with the needless needles because they could loose their license and probably already would have if it weren't true.

Stop corporate and ecofascism!
Don't be a Nazi! Stop medical tyranny.
Medical choice is democracy.
Which is what they pretend to stand for and be.

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