Biden take’s classified documents as Vice President which is illegal…(Impeachment coming)

1 year ago

Joe Biden as Vice President under the Obama administration took “Classified Material” once his 8 year term was over, which is highly illegal. Donald J Trumps Mar a Lago home was raided by the FBI for having “Declassified documents” in his possession. “Only” the President of the United States 🇺🇸 can declassify classified material, the Vice President does not have the authority to declassify any classified documents. This in fact is grounds for “Impeachment” and is considered a felony, be prepared for Republicans to move forward with impeachment proceedings on Joe Biden now that they own the House. This is only the beginning of the downfall of the Biden administration, he will also be investigated in the future for 459 crimes committed by the Bidens & their associates:

•140 business crimes
•191 sex crimes
•128 drug crimes

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