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17. Copy Example - Weight Loss Supplement
“Like A Skinny Flood”
Harvard Scientists Discover Biological Loophole That Forces
Your Body to Burn All Of Your Stored-Fat At Once
Harvard scientists just uncovered a strange, biological loophole…
And it’s something that FORCES your body to start burning all of your stored-up fat at
once. In fact, this new discovery even targets your body’s deepest fat stores – the
ones that seemed immune to hardcore workouts and ultra-strict diets…
And unlike most other weight-loss strategies you see online or read about in
Triggering this newly identified biological loophole is something that any person can do from the comfort of their own home…
In just a few moments a day…
Without drastically changing your diet or starting a single new workout routine.
Keep reading below to see exactly what this loophole is, why it works…
And how you can start using it right now…
To get your body automatically burning up both stored fat and new fat…
While putting an end to your frustrating, up-and-down weight battles for good.
Hey, I’m Vince Sant with V Shred and Sculpt Nation.
In the past two years, my fitness and nutrition advice has been used by more than
1.2 million men and women in over 150 countries…
I’ve been featured on places like NBC, Oxygen, Insider, Live Strong, the LA Times, the
Chicago Tribune, and Muscle and Fitness just to name a few...
And inside this video…
I’m going to share how a new discovery by scientists at Harvard and other top
universities can trigger something called “simultaneous fat release”…
Which allows you to begin burning unwanted body fat throughout your entire body…
All at once…
Starting pretty much immediately.
It’s a breakthrough that I’m pretty confident you’ve never heard of before…
Because it’s so new…it still hasn’t reached the mainstream…
Yet many experts are already starting to refer to this as the future of fat loss…
And while I’ll be the first to admit that sounds pretty “hypey”….
There’s actually a lot of truth to what these experts are saying.
That’s because unlike diet plans, workout plans, and most fat-burning supplements
that the world is constantly trying to push on you…
This new discovery doesn’t just target one place in your body – like your belly, hips, thighs, butt, or back of the arms…
Instead, it targets EVERYTHING at once…
Which means once this loophole gets triggered…
You can start burning unhealthy fat build-up EVERYWHERE in your body, all at the
same time...
Which doesn’t just accelerate your timeframe for reaching your fitness goals…
It also gives your body a surging flood of healthy energy…
And lets you power through each day with more mental focus, fewer cravings,
and more willpower to GET THINGS DONE.
Even better…
Because it’s so easy to trigger this loophole…
Once you activate your body’s “simultaneous fat release” capabilities…
You can keep them going for as long as you want…
Staying in fat-burning mode day-after-day…
So that not only are you able to ditch the excess weight that’s been haunting you for
But you KEEP that excess weight off for the long-run too…
Which means no more going back and forth between your skinny jeans and your not-
so-skinny jeans…
Or stressing about if you’ll look sexy and fit in 3 months…6 months…even a year from
Thanks to the loophole I’m about to share with you…
The only thing you’ll be stressing about is having TOO many great options in your
Too many sexy, revealing outfits that make heads turn everywhere you go…
And I’m telling you from experience…
You’ll probably feel calmer and more confident about how you look…
And how strong you feel…
Than at any other point in your adult life.
I know that’s a lot…
And it might sound hard to believe right now…
Especially if you sometimes feel frustrated, or even embarrassed by your weight…
Or it feels like you’ve lost the same 10 pounds 10 different times…
And that your stomach, hips, and waistline are like flesh-colored yo-yos…
That are constantly going up-and-down in size…
No matter how hard you try to reach or maintain your goal weight.
Maybe you’ve tried more diets than you can count on all your fingers and toes…
Or you think you’ve seen it all when it comes to your body, and the way it burns fat…
And if any of this sounds familiar to you…
I totally get it and truly do understand.
I’ve personally studied diet and nutrition for more than two decades…
I’ve helped millions of people to improve their health…
I thought I knew everything when it comes to weight loss..
So when I first stumbled across this bizarre scientific discovery…
And saw that it was supported by more than 100 studies…
From some of the most famous universities in the world…
It was honestly a humbling experience.
I thought I knew everything about losing weight…
Yet nobody had ever told me about this before...
And it was only after I started sharing this fat-burning breakthrough with my millions
of followers…
Folks who had all kinds of body types, and very different weight loss goals…
And I saw how time-and-time-again…
These folks were coming back to me in a state of pure ecstasy…
Because they were finally starting to see the pounds drop off…
Or finally getting to experience the joy of watching their dress size drop from double
to single digits…
That I became a true believer.
You’ll hear from some of the folks who have already used this breakthrough to
transform their body right inside this presentation…
I’ll also share many of the studies that back everything I’m saying up…
And, of course, I’m also going to give you a simple, step-by-step breakdown of how
this new discovery works…
That way you can try it for yourself, from the comfort of your own home, pretty much
right away.
In a few minutes from now…
I’m also going to reveal the surprising reason why one of America’s most popular diets can be disastrous for people looking to experience long-term weight loss…
(Oddly, this reason has nothing to do with food) …
And I’m going to tell you a really dirty secret about how Pro Athletes lose weight…
A secret they’d probably prefer you don’t hear…
But that will likely make your jaw drop.
You’re really going to want to see what this dirty secret is by the way…
Because it helps explain why you’ve always struggled to lose weight too.
All of that, and a whole more, is coming your way inside this video…
So make sure to pay close attention…
Because no matter what your body type, or how frustrated you may feel right now…
Once you begin using the fat-burning breakthrough I’ll be sharing today…
It could immediately feel like you’ve broken through an invisible glass ceiling…
A ceiling that you didn’t even know was there…
But that’s been holding you back all of this time…
Keeping you from reaching your weight loss goals…
And making you feel tired, foggy-headed, and like there was no hope.
Well right now, we’re going to shatter that ceiling…
And I hope you’re as excited as I am…
Because the time is NOW.
So like I mentioned at the beginning, my name is Vince Sant…
I’m a fitness model…
The co-founder of V-Shred and Sculpt Nation, which are two of the fastest-growing
health brands in the world.
And I’m also the author of 6 best-selling fitness and nutrition programs…
Which have been bought by more than 1.2 million men and women…
In 150 different countries.
I’m really proud of my career in fitness and nutrition, and what I’ve been able to
But what I want to share with you today…
Is NOT something you will find in any of my fitness guides…
And it’s NOT a diet plan, a workout video, or anything else you’re thinking of either.
This discovery is all about how your body, and your fat cells, communicate.
Because while it might sound weird…
According to major research from places like Harvard[i], Purdue University[ii], Penn
State[iv], and the University of California San Diego[v]…
The fat cells inside your body actually talk to one another.
It’s a process called “fat cell signaling”…
And the way it works…
Is that depending on a variety of factors like diet, exercise, stress, and even sleep…
Your fat cells either decide to hold onto existing fat…
And to create new fat from the foods you eat…
Or they decide to release your existing fat…
And to immediately burn the food you eat as energy (instead of storing it as fat).
The way your fat cells make this decision…
Is through this process of “fat cell signaling”…
Because once a decision has been made…
Your fat cells start communicating (or signaling) the “game plan” to one another…
So there’s not this inconsistent chaos happening inside of your body.
Now the thing is (and this is something you probably already know)…
For most people, the default fat-cell-signaling mode is to HOLD fat…
Not to BURN it.
It’s actually pretty simple biology…
Our bodies were designed to store fat…
So that it’s available in an emergency…
And for most of human history, this was actually a good strategy for two major
First, food was often scarce.
Hunters and gatherers might have no problem finding food during a warm spring
But then spend several months starving during a harsh winter...
So to protect us against the uncertainty of when our next meal was coming…
Our bodies would store as much fat as possible during the good times…
That way we could burn through it during the hard times.
And the second reason our fat cells’ “default mode” is to HOLD fat…
Is because of about 95% of human history…
We weren’t at the top of the food chain.
Insulting, I know.
But the truth is…
We used to be routinely hunted by predators like lions, leopards, and even
And when you’re running through the Savannah on a 105-degree day in July…
With a majestic-but-terrifyingly-hungry lion hot on your tail…
You better have a lot of energy ready to burn…
Otherwise, you’re going to end up as some big cat’s human-flavored Meow Mix.
Well thanks to our stores of fat, we did have enough energy…
And the result is that while some of our unlucky ancestors got eaten by predators…
Most of them were able to escape…
And thank God for that, because otherwise none of us would be here today.
Of course, here’s the thing
While it used to make sense for our bodies to store as much fat as possible…Nowadays, in 2019, things are a lot different.
We can get food delivered to us on-demand…
We have a pantry full of snacks…
We eat three meals a day…
And if you’re watching this video right now…
I’m pretty sure you’re not too worried about being hunted down by a lion anytime
So on the one hand…
The fact that we’re not at risk of starving or being hunted is great…
But on the other hand, it’s got our bodies all screwed up.
Because today, we’re storing all of this fat we don’t actually need…
Which is one of the main reasons why the obesity rate keeps going up...
And why it can feel pretty impossible to get rid of all your excess body fat, no matter
how hard you try.
You see, here’s the truth…
And it’s something most fitness experts will never tell you:
Even if you do cardio an hour a day….
Eat nothing but proteins and vegetables…
And pump iron at the gym six times a week…
Your body is STILL going to keep holding onto as much fat as it can.
It’s what your body was designed to do…
And this is one of the reasons why so many people find things like Keto Diet to be so
Because even if you don’t eat carbs…
You still need to eat protein…
And your body just converts that protein into fat instead…
Then stores it away for a rainy day.
The exception to this is when you get your ratio of fats, carbs, and proteins just
absolutely perfect…
But perfection is pretty freaking hard…
Which is why so many people ultimately fail with the Keto Diet…
They hit a plateau, or they can’t stay in ketosis, or they lose weight early but then it
creeps back on…
And this can happen no matter how smart or dedicated to Keto they are.
It sucks, I know…
But that’s what happens…
And it’s not just the Keto Diet either…
Low-Fat Diets are absolutely AWFUL for you…
Because Low Fat just means High Carb…
And when you eat a lot of carbohydrates…
Your body immediately turns them into fat…
Then - you guessed it – stores that fat for future energy.
So it doesn’t matter whether we’re talking about Keto, Weight Watchers, Paleo, or any
other diets…
The reason NONE of these things have ever brought you long-term weight loss
success is that none of them change your body’s relationship with fat…
They don’t get you out of your “default mode”, which is to HOLD fat…
Which means you will constantly be fighting an uphill battle for the rest of your life.
Now, of course, there are exceptions…
It’s not like everyone is fat…
We all have that one super annoying friend who can eat whatever she wants without
seeming to gain weight…
And we can all think of plenty of pro athletes who are in incredibly good shape too.
But when it comes to that annoying skinny friend…
First of all, how old is she?
Because in my experience, fat storage tends to catch up to almost everyone over
And that friend who can eat anything when she’s in her early twenties…
She’ll probably be singing a very different tune by the time she reaches 40 or beyond.
And even if your annoying skinny friend just really is blessed with the world’s greatest
And will always be thin…
That’s still extremely rare…
So do yourself a favor, and forget about her for right now…
Because today I’m talking about the other 99.9999% of us…
Who wasn’t born with the metabolism of a hummingbird.
And when it comes to Pro Athletes, here’s the thing…
Yeah, they’re in shape…
But that’s because they spend hundreds-of-thousands of dollars per year on personal
trainers, dieticians, and private chefs who cook them expensive superfoods…
Plus they work out 4-6 hours a day almost EVERY SINGLE DAY…
And that’s in addition to the fact that most of them are genetic lotto winners
Which is why you hear the expression “freak athlete” all the time…
But you rarely hear someone talking about a “freak accountant” or a “freak lawyer”…
Yet even then, don’t let pro athletes fool you…
They have a dirty little secret too…
And it’s something they’re hoping most of us normal folks will never notice.
Have you ever seen what happens to a lot of these pro athletes after they grow older
or retire?
They often start packing on the pounds and struggling with their weight too…
And if these guys and gals who are considered “freak specimens” are
routinely blimping up as they get older…
What chance do the rest of us “normal folks” have?
Now at this point, you might be wondering if you’re screwed…
Especially since you now know that your fat cells are talking to one another…
And that their default language is to “HOLD, HOLD, HOLD.”
So if you’ve been struggling to reach your weight loss goals…
Or to achieve that toned, fit body you’ve been dreaming about in your head for
Then the fact that your body is normally in fat-HOLDING mode can be incredibly
And I really do get it.
But here’s the thing…
The reason I made this video is to let you know that you’re NOT screwed…There IS a better way to start burning fat…
And it’s something that is so easy, and so effective…
That literally anyone can do it…
No matter if your metabolism feels frozen right now…
Or you’ve tried and failed on more diets than there are stars in the night sky.
This is also something that’s extremely flexible…
And it works to match your goals…
So no matter if you’re just trying to tighten up your tummy…
Or you’re looking to shed a significant amount of weight and do it like YESTERDAY…
I truly believe that the breakthrough I’m about to share can work wonders in
your life.
It’s based off the work of Dr. Michael Caterina…
Who’s a professor of neurosurgery, biological chemistry, and neuroscience at the
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine...
And it’s a way to actually change the way your fat cells talk to one another.
In other words, it changes that thing called “ fat cell signaling” which I mentioned at the
So that instead of HOLDING fat…
They start BURNING fat instead…
Without you ever stepping foot in a gym…
Or following some ultra-strict Keto diet…
Or really doing almost anything at all besides living your best life.
You see…
Dr. Caterina was the first to discover a special type of “receptor” in your body called TRPV1...
And TRPV1’s main job is to regulate your body’s temperature and energy usage.
In other words…
TRPV1 is like an energy-efficient thermostat:
It tries to keep your body temperature just right, without it costing you very much.
Normally TRPV1’s job is pretty easy…
But when you start doing strenuous physical activity, like intense cardio…
This activity increases your blood flow, you start sweating, and your body
temperature goes up…
And because TRPV1 is like an energy-efficient thermostat…
As your body temperature increases…
TRPV1 senses it…
And tells your fat cells to start burning their contents for energy…
That way your body can handle the physical stress you’re putting on it…
Without you overheating or feeling exhausted.
Now let’s pause for a second, because I want to make sure you heard what I just
When TRPV1 is activated inside your body…
It tells your fat cells to start burning themselves up for energy.
This is actually incredibly important….
In fact, it’s the KEY to everything…
Because what this means…
Is that TRPV1 can actually change the conversation that’s happening between your fat
So that instead of all your fat cells signaling one another to HOLD onto fat like some
They work together to BURN fat like a friendly pyromaniac...
And the craziest part is…
This change happens almost immediately…
Kind of like if I just started speaking Spanish mid-sentence...
That’s how fast you can change the conversation your fat cells are having from
“HOLD” to “BURN.”
Now here’s the really cool thing…
While one way to activate the TRPV1 Receptors is through super-intense workouts…
In recent years…
Scientists have found that we can also activate our TRV1 Receptors in a much simpler
And that’s by just eating one common spice.
This spice is called Capsaicin…
And it’s a compound that’s found in red chili peppers.
-Picture of Peppers-
You might have heard that eating peppers can help you to burn fat or speed up your metabolism before…
And it’s actually 100% true – thanks to Capsaicin…
But there’s also an important catch too, which I’ll share with you in a moment.
But yeah…
In the right conditions and at the right dosages…
Scientists have repeatedly found that the Capsaicin in chili peppers can activate your
TRPV1 Receptors …
Which not only gets your body out of fat HOLDING mode, and into fat BURNING
But it also increases your metabolism too.
There have also been studies showing that the right amount of Capsaicin can help
you to keep weight off after you’ve lost it...
And that’s really exciting news…
Especially if you’ve ever experienced that “yo-yo” effect when dieting in the past…
Which can be the most frustrating thing ever.
Taking the right dosage of Capsaicin has been found in human and animal studies to:
Help silence ghrelin (the hunger hormone) and reduce food cravings…
Maintain healthy blood sugar…
Keep triglyceride (fat in the bloodstream) levels in check…
Support healthy cholesterol levels …
Support a healthy liver …
And promote circulation and a healthy heart.
So in other words…
Your TRPV1 Receptors LOVE Capsaicin…
So much so, in fact…
That scientists frequently call TRPV1 Receptors by another name…
And that name is “Capsaicin Receptors”…
Which makes perfect sense, since they are so closely tied together.
Now on the one hand, it’s pretty crazy…
Because why do we humans have some built-in “pepper sensor” in our bodies?
But on the other hand, it’s super awesome…
Because it means that, yes…
The TRPV1 Receptors in your body really can be activated from the Capsaicin
that’s inside chili peppers…
And when this activation happens…
You really can start burning fat, increasing your metabolism, and experiencing more
energy too.
Plus what’s really cool is that because you have TRPV1 Receptors throughout your
entire body…
When you activate them…you start burning fat everywhere at once.
In other words…
It’s not like you just target belly fat, or just target neck fat, or just target one specific
place in your body at all…
You create something called “simultaneous fat release”…
The breakthrough I mentioned at the beginning of this presentation…
Where you’re burning fat EVERYWHERE…
Even in the deepest nooks and crannies of your body…
The places that probably felt impossible to target, at least before you knew about
In fact…
As far back as 2007…
In a double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled study involving 44 human
That was published in the journal Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry…
Researchers found that people who consumed capsaicin burned significantly more
fat throughout the body than those who didn’t…
Leading the researchers to conclude that taking a Capsaicin supplement regularly could:
“Enhance the energy expenditure and fat burning in humans, particularly those with
a high BMI [Body Mass Index].”
Meanwhile, in another major study, this one published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition…
That was also placebo-controlled, double-blind, and randomized…
Researchers divided 40 men and 40 women into two groups...
With the first group getting capsaicin every day…
And second group getting a placebo (nothing).
The study lasted for 12 weeks…
And at the end…
The researchers found that the capsaicin group saw a significant decrease in stomach fat…
Plus the capsaicin group lost nearly double the TOTAL bodyweight of the placebo group on average as well.
And In a 2016 study published in the Journal of Biomedical Optics…
Which was, you guessed it, double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled…
When 20 human participants were given either capsaicin, or a placebo pill each day…
And at the end of the study…
Researchers found that the capsaicin group increased their body’s fat-burning potential by 46.4%...
While the placebo group saw no improvement at all.
Now these three studies still just barely scratch the surface…
A study published in the journal of Obesity found that capsaicin helps support healthy blood sugar levels, and could reduce body fat-related inflammation…
A major study published in the journal Cardiovascular Diabetology found that taking capsaicin led to both long-term weight loss and increased fat burn…
And a 2017 study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that not only did capsaicin activate TRPV1 Receptors…but that it significantly increased metabolism and fat burning potential too.
And while I could go on all day long – since the amount of research on Capsaicin is
truly incredible…
I know that what you really want to know…
Is if burning fat throughout your entire body, firing up your metabolism, and getting
that sculpture-like body of your dreams…
Is really just as simple as eating some chili peppers?
Well the answer is “no, not really”…
And the reason why has to do with that “catch” I mentioned a few moments ago.
You see…
While chili peppers can definitely be great for your diet…
The amount of chili peppers needed to change your fat cells’ default signals from
“hold” to “burn”...
And activate the process of simultaneous fat release…
So that you get into fat-burning mode and stay there long-term...
Is insanely high…
So high, that even if you’re a chili pepper fanatic…
It’s almost certain that you’d end up sick to your stomach, with horrible indigestion,
and a trip to the hospital…
Well before you could eat anywhere close to the number of chili peppers needed to
get your body into fat-burning mode.
That’s why pretty much all of the studies I just shared with you…
Along with the dozens of other studies I didn’t…
All used a capsaicin supplement…
Instead of chili peppers.
With a supplement…
You’re able to pack it full of Capsaicin…
At a much higher density than what’s found in chili peppers…
Which means you’re able to get the fat-burning benefits of this pepper-based
Without making yourself physically sick.
Yet even when it comes to Capsaicin supplements…
You still need to be careful…
Because these supplements can vary dramatically both in quality and effectiveness.
Many Capsaicin supplements on the market aren’t time-released…
Which means they flood your digestive system with spiciness all at once…
Which can cause heartburn and discomfort…
And other Capsaicin supplements you see sold online aren’t coated properly…
Which might not sound like a huge deal…
But unless the supplement has a special coating on it…
It’ll get dissolved by your stomach acid before ever being released into your body.
It’s for these reasons…
That there’s only one form of Capsaicin that I recommend to my friends and clients…
And that’s Capsimax.
Capsimax is manufactured right here in the U.S…
And it provides a maximum strength dosage of Capsaicin…
In a safe, clinically supported way…
Without causing digestive discomfort to those who take it.
The makers of Capsimax also get the “coating” thing right…
They use something called OmniBead Technology…
Which is an advanced way of protecting Capsaicin…
So that:
1. It makes it through the acids in your stomach without being burned up…
2. Then gets time-released into your system, without causing any digestive discomfort
3. Which means you get the full metabolism-stoking benefits of this TRPV1-Activating super compound without any hassle.
Capsimax has been the subject of numerous human studies involving hundreds of men and women…
And it’s been found to…
Help reduce perceived appetite and hunger cravings…
Increase metabolism and energy expenditure…
Increase perceived intensity and duration of workouts
Support the breakdown of body fat (Lipolysis)
Support healthy blood sugar and reduce waist-to-hip ratio…
And a whole lot more
And it makes sense that Capsimax can do all of these things…
Since Capsimax is really just an ultra-high-quality form of Capsaicin…
But in a time-released capsule…
And with a special coating for better absorption.
So it’s probably easy to see why I’m such a fan of Capsimax…
But the thing is…
The company that makes this special ingredient…
Doesn’t sell it directly to the public.
Only a select group of supplement manufacturers are able to get access
to Capsimax…
Which is why…
From the moment I and the team at Sculpt Nation first heard about Capsimax…
We knew that it was URGENT we find a way to make this available to everyone.
In the past few years, my team at Sculpt Nation has helped over 1.2 million people
and counting…
We are OBSESSED with bringing the latest breakthroughs in health, diet, and wellness
to folks all across America...
And when we discovered how Capsaicin activates TRPV1 Receptors in our body…
How it changes the way fat cells talk to one another…
And how it can put your body into fat-burning mode quickly…
Then keep your body in fat-burning mode for the long-run…
We immediately felt like this was one of the most exciting weight loss discoveries of
our lifetime.
Which is why about a year ago, we contacted the makers of Capsimax…
Negotiated with them around the clock to get the very best price on this game-changing, and normally super-expensive ingredients…
Then I went to work building something special.
We had a simple goal…
Create the most powerful fat burning supplement to ever reach the public…
Make sure it included a clinically supported dosage of 100% genuine Capsimax in it…
Then add in a special blend of additional, clinically supported ingredients…
So that we could take the fat-burning power of Capsimax…
And put it into overdrive.
It was not easy…
In fact, we went through dozens of potential formulas…
And spent hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars on research, development, and
But finally, after a fortune spent and many sleepless nights…
We had something we were extremely proud of…
And it’s called Burn.
-6 Bottle Graphic or Vince Holding A Bottle If He’s On Screen-
Every bottle of Burn is made right here, in the United States…
In a state-of-the-art facility that’s GMP Certified...
And we chose the name Burn because that’s exactly what this breakthrough was
designed to do…
It was designed to:
Activate your body’s TRPV1 Receptors – even if you’re just sitting at a desk or on the couch…
Activate “simultaneous fat release” and switch your fat cell signals from “HOLD” mode to “BURN” mode...
Then keep your fat cells in BURN mode for as long as you keep using this breakthrough supplement.
In the short time since we released Burn to the public, it’s already been used by
thousands of people…
And even though they all have wildly different body types and weight goals…
The feedback we’ve gotten from these folks is incredible.
But real quickly, let me show you what the other 5 fat-melting ingredients inside Burn
That way you know exactly what you’re getting inside each capsule...
And can understand exactly what makes Burn so special.
So in addition to Capsaicin-rich Capsimax…
Burn also includes a special patented ingredient called Paradoxine…
Which is made from Grains of Paradise.
Despite the name…
Grains of Paradise is a spice…
Not a grain or a wheat…
And both Grains of Paradise and Paradoxine are 100% Gluten Free.
In a 2013 study published in the British Journal of Nutrition…
Scientists divided healthy male subjects into two groups.
The first group received a Grains of Paradise supplement each day…
The second group received a placebo...
And at the end of four weeks…
The researchers found that while there were no changes in the placebo group…
The men who took Grains of Paradise showed significantly more brown adipose tissue…
Which is a big deal…
Because brown adipose tissue is one of our body’s most powerful natural fat-burners.
And in another major study…
This one published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology…
Check out what happened when researchers looked at energy expenditure and fat loss…
In a group of healthy women over the course of four weeks:
The women were divided into two groups…
With the first group receiving Paradoxine – at the same dosages as you get inside
And the second group receiving a placebo.
At the end of just four weeks…
The researchers found that the Paradoxine group experienced a significant decrease
in visceral fat in the lower abdomen…
While the placebo group barely saw any decrease at all…
And if you’re wondering what visceral fat is…
It’s just a fancy name for belly fat.
So in other words…
This study proved that Paradoxine specifically targets belly fat…
Which is something that most other weight supplements simply can’t say…
Because they weren’t formulated to include a powerful extract like Paradoxine.
Then again…
Most other weight loss supplements also don’t contain a clinically supported dosage
of Capsimax…
And that’s really their loss…
Because when you combine an optimal dosage of both Capsimax AND Paradoxine…
It’s easy to see just how transformational the results could be.
Burn also contains an ingredient called Epigallocatechin, or EGCG for short.
EGCG is a powerful green-tea extract clinically shown to accelerate fat loss…
And a recent study found that EGCG has the potential to speed up fat loss by a
whopping 301%.
That's right...
In a clinical study done on 100 volunteers weighing an average of 212 pounds...
EGCG was shown to literally incinerate fat at an incredible rate.
Here's how the study worked...
Each participant was instructed to limit their calories to 1850 for men and 1350 for
The limit was imposed so calorie content and binge eating wouldn't affect the results.
Half of the volunteers were given unmarked pills made of a Special Green Tea Extract
containing EGCG…
And the other half was given a placebo.
Both groups took the pills for 90 days...and made no other lifestyle changes…
And when the results came back...
Researchers couldn't believe their eyes!
The EGCG group lost an average of 30.1 pounds!
Plus for the EGCG group...
Women lowered their BMI (body mass index) by 12% and lost 3 dress sizes.
And men lost an average of 14% off of their waistlines and 4 belt notches.
These results are simply incredible…
So when I and my team saw this research…
Plus the numerous additional studies supporting EGCG’s ridiculous fat-burning
We knew we needed to add it to Burn…
Because between a clinical dosage of Capsimax, Paradoxine, and EGCG…
It’s pretty hard not to feel confident that Burn is going to be a game-changer in your
life. Plus in addition to these three ingredients…
Burn also includes a clinically supported dosage of…
Yohimbe – a special plant native that’s native to Africa… And that was shown in a recent randomized and placebo-controlled study to increase fat loss by 30% in athletes…
Rauwolscine – a special molecule similar to Yohimble…And that’s been shown to trigger the release of Noradrenaline, a potent fat-burning neurotransmitter that’s also sometimes associated with euphoria and mood elevation…
And 100 mg of caffeine…
Which is not just great for energy and focus…
It’s also been shown to reduce appetite and cravings when combined with Capsaicin.
So now that you’ve see all 6 of the powerful ingredients that make up Burn…
And you’ve seen the science behind just how special this formulation is…
You’re probably asking how you can get your own bottle of Burn as fast as
And you want to know how often you should take Burn if you want to get its full, fat-
burning potential?
Well to be honest…
I wish it was easier for people to get access to Burn…
Because my goal is to help 5 million men and women reach their weight loss goals in
the next 5 years…
Which is no small task.
But while that’s my goal, the truth is…
Since burn contains not one, but TWO special, patented ingredients…
Capsaicin-rich Capsimax…
And Grains of Paradise-rich Paradoxine…
Not only does it cost me and my team at Sculpt Nation a small-fortune to make every
batch of Burn…
But we’re also at the mercy of the two companies that produce these patented
This means any time the makers of Capsimax or Paradoxine have a shortage of
It means me and my team have a shortage of ingredients as well.
As a result, we only have a limited number of bottles of Burn available at any given
And out-of-stocks are a constant risk.
I wish this wasn’t the case, but there’s not much I can do about it…
Because I simply REFUSE to use a less powerful version of Capsimax or Paradoxine…
Especially when only the patented versions of the ingredients…
Are supported by such strong double-blind, placebo-controlled, and randomized
And on top of that…
Because Burn doesn’t just help to activate your TRPV1 Receptors and get you burning fat throughout your entire body…
It’s also helps speed up your metabolism…
Improves your energy…
Increases the duration and perceived intensity of your workouts…
Supports healthy blood glucose levels…
And so much more…
Pretty much everyone who tries Burn keeps asking for more of the stuff…
Because they never again want to worry about their body being stuck in “HOLD”
Especially after they’ve seen just how much more fun life can be when you’re
BURNING fat around the clock.
And as a result of the fact that Burn is expensive to manufacture, contains special,
patented ingredients, and is constantly at risk of being sold-out…
I frequently don’t have any bottles of Burn available for the public.
But with that being said…
I also can’t stand the idea of you not feeling head-over-heels in love with your body...
I want you be able to wake up each morning feeling happy with the person you are
on both the inside and the outside…
And the next time you go to the mall, or your favorite retail store…
I want to hear that you spent HOURS inside the dressing room…
Because every single outfit you tried on fit so perfectly and looked so flattering…
You couldn’t stand the idea of not getting them all.
That’s why, in just a few seconds from now…
I’m going to show you how you can get your hands on a brand-new bottle of Burn…
As part of our breakthrough new Burn the Fat Campaign.
But first, let me answer that other question…
About how often you should take Burn?
This one’s pretty easy…
Just take two capsules of burn each day, preferably in the morning…
And keep doing this for at least 30 days.
The reason it’s important you take Burn for at least 30 days is very straightforward…
While the 6 fat-burning ingredients inside go to work activating simultaneous fat release and switching your fat cells’ default signals from “hold” to “burn” pretty much
What all the clinical studies and research on these ingredients have shown…
Is that the longer you take these ingredients…
The more your body can benefit.
Plus, because Capsimax has been shown to help keep weight off once you’ve lost it
It just makes sense for you to make Burn a part of your daily routine forever…
That way you’re continuously activating your TRPV1 Receptors day-after-day…
So that your body stays in fat-BURNING mode non-stop…
And doesn’t go back to the old, default fat-HOLDING mode instead.
This is why I personally encourage my Sculpt Nation clients to choose at least a 3
Month Supply of Burn…
And a 6 Bottle, 6-Month Supply if you want to really be covered…
That way you can ensure that your body stays in fat-burning mode for the
foreseeable future…
And because loading up on Burn today helps protect you from future out-of-stocks
In the short time since we first launched Burn…
It’s already been used by over thousands of people all over the world
And right now…
I want to give you the chance to write your OWN success story…
By giving you access to Burn risk-free, and at the biggest savings we’ve ever offered.
Here’s how it works…
First of all…
Burn is only available on this website, and only while we have bottles in stock…
Which is why, if you’re here right now and we do have even one single bottle
It’s vital you take action immediately and that you don’t put this decision off.
This is especially true because Burn really is different from anything you’ve ever seen
or tried before…
Not only does it contain a patented version of Capsaicin…
Which is one of the only ingredients ever scientifically proven to activate TRPV1
Receptors and trigger simultaneous fat release throughout your entire body ...
But it contains a patented version of Grains of Paradise too…
Which has been shown in human studies to directly target belly fat…
Plus EGCG, Yohimbe, Rauwolscine, and an optimal dose of Caffeine too.
And when you consider just how powerful and scientifically-backed these ingredients
Plus how expensive and hard-to-get they are – especially the Capsimax
and Paradoxine…
You can probably understand why Sculpt Nation’s Board of Directors is constantly
telling me we need to set the price of Burn to at least $249 per bottle.
I always push back and tell them “HECK NO”…
But I actually don’t think they’re being totally unreasonable either…
Especially considering that a year of personal training is going to cost you what,
$1,200 at least?
And going on some super organic, grass-fed, Keto or Paleo diet probably costs you an
extra $5,000 or more in groceries each year…
While pro athletes spend literally hundreds-of-thousands of dollars annually just to
cheat nature and stay thin.
And don’t get me wrong…
A healthy diet and regular exercise are AWESOME for you – I 100% think you should eat healthy and exercise…
And if you’re a rich celebrity…
Then sure, go ahead and hire an army of private nutritionists and personal trainers to
help you stay fit too…
So it’s not like those other options aren’t good – they’re great actually…
It’s just that none of them are as simple…
Or even as scientifically-supported…
As using the ingredients that are inside Burn.
This isn’t even controversial science…
It’s pretty much universally accepted:
Your body is filled with TRPV1 Receptors…
They’re also universally known as Capsaicin Receptors…
And when they’re activated by Capsaicin…
They switch their “signals” inside your body…
So that you stop holding fat, and start burning fat instead.
It doesn’t get much simpler than that…
Yet the studies have proved this to be true time-and-time again…
And when you add in the 5 additional fat-burning ingredients inside Burn…
I mean, that’s just icing on the proverbial skinny-cake.
So while I really do think $249 per bottle for Burn would be completely reasonable…
As I said, I always tell my Board of Directors to go take a hike…
And the reason why is simple…
This isn’t about making money…
It’s about helping 5 Million People reach their weight loss goals in the next 5 years.
That’s my obsession…
And I realize that the more affordable I can make Burn…
The more likely it is that I’ll reach this goal.
That’s why right now…
As part of our national Burn the Fat Campaign…
When you say “YES” to Burn…
And commit to making a true transformation to your body and your life…
You won’t need to spend $249 per bottle…or even $149 per bottle…
And why instead, by taking action today and selecting one of the packages you see below…
You can secure your very own bottle of Burn for just $49 per bottle.
And actually, that’s still just the start.
You see…
Because so many studies suggest that the longer you take the ingredients inside
The more you could benefit from them…
And because so many people have been ordering multiple bottles of Burn at a time…
So they can share Burn with their best friends and their closest family…
While being protected from future out-of-stocks…
I and my team have created an even deeper discount program as part of our Burn
the Fat Campaign…
Where, for a limited time only…
You can stock up on a multi-month supply of Burn for as low as $32.50 per bottle…
Which is by far the lowest price you’ll ever see Burn available for.
So go ahead and take advantage of these major savings right now…
By clicking on one of the packages you see beneath this video right now…
And placing your order, while there are still bottles of Burn in stock.
Once you’ve selected your package of Burn…
You’ll be taken to our 100% encrypted and secure checkout page…
Where you’ll enter your basic order details…
And the second you’ve submitted your order…
We’ll process your order and get your supply of Burn shipped to your front door.
Most people pick the 6-bottle, or 3-bottle supply of Burn since those options come
with the biggest savings of all…
But no matter which packages you choose today…
Not only will you be getting the best deal we’ve ever offered to the Public for Burn…
We’re also going to cover the cost of Shipping and Handling for you too…
Which is another $9.95 in savings.
So go ahead and get your order started now…
By clicking on one of the packages you see beneath this video…
While there are still bottles of Burn available.
In the past few years, over 1.2 million people have put their trust into me and my companies…
And you don’t get featured on places like NBC, the Chicago Tribune, the LA
Times, Oxygen, Live Strong, and more…
Or get over 290 5 Star Reviews on TrustPilot…
Unless you’re doing something right.
Yet while the track record and positive media coverage me and my companies have
received speak for themselves…
When you place your order of Burn today, from this website…
You’ll also automatically be covered by our 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.
It works like this…
Right now, simply click on one of the packages you see beneath this video, and order
your own supply of Burn.
Then, once your order arrives in just a few short business days from today…
I want you to tear open that package, grab your first bottle of Burn, and start taking
those two easy-to-swallow capsules every single day.
I’m positive that once you do this…
Once you both feel and SEE the difference that Burn is making…
You’re going to be become a loyal Burn user for life.
But if I’m wrong for any reason…
And you’re not just over-the-moon thrilled with your experience using Burn…
Just call or email my U.S. based customer service team at any point over the next two
And we’ll immediately refund your entire investment, with no questions asked.
That’s every single penny back to you…
Which means right now…
When you click on one of the packages below and place your order…
You’re simply saying “hey I want to take Burn on a test drive”…
And you’ve got a full 60 days to see, feel, and experience Burn first-hand…
Before you ultimately decide if it’s right for you.
Doesn’t it feel nice to know that I’m the one shouldering all of the pressure here…
While you simply get to try out Burn and see how you like it?
I wish everything in life was this easy…
But while most things aren’t guaranteed…
Your experience with Burn is…
So go ahead and choose one of the packages you see beneath this video right now…
Then place your order with zero risks…
Because you’ve got that full 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee behind you.
This is the end of today’s video, and the choice is yours.
You can ignore everything you’ve seen today…
The incredible studies showing that the ingredients inside Burn can activate the
TRPV1 Receptors that are inside of you…
That they can help switch the conversation your fat cells are having…
Changing your fat cells’ signaling from fat-HOLDING mode to fat-BURNING mode…
And trigger the process of “simultaneous fat release” throughout your entire body…
While helping to improve your workouts, your energy, your stamina, your endurance,
and so much more.
Ignoring all of this really is an option…
And if that’s the choice you make there are no hard feelings from me.
But I do have to ask you something…
If you’ve been yo-yo dieting for years or even decades…
If you’ve tried every diet and every new workout routine under the sun…
And yet your body STILL isn’t where you want it to be…
Then what’s going to change if you don’t take action today?
Is it going to be the next fad diet…or some miracle exercise “hack” or what?
I’m not trying to be a jerk, I’m just genuinely curious…
We all know that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over-and-over
while expecting different results…
So if you don’t try something truly and genuinely new soon…
Something like Burn…
Then what’s going to change in your life?
And if you’re struggling to answer that question…
Then to me, it’s a pretty clear sign that you’re better off making the second choice…
Which is to select one of the packages of Burn you see beneath this video…
Then try it 100% Risk-Free for the next 60 days.
Choosing this second option like breaking free of the insane asylum…
You’re using real, hard, proven science to fundamentally change your body’s
relationship with fat…
And because capsaicin can activate your TRPV1 Receptors pretty much immediately…
Many folks are shocked by just how quickly they notice a difference when taking
Ultimately, the decision is yours…
But I trust you’ll make the right choice, by selecting your risk-free package below.
Thank you so much for spending your time with me today…
And I can’t wait to hear about the difference Burn has made in your life.
- Vince
[7 Second Pause]
Hey, still here?
No problem, I realize we covered A LOT in today’s video…
So let me go ahead and answer some of the most common questions I get asked
about Burn…That way you can make your investment today with 100% confidence.
1. Are my fat cells really talking to one another?
- Yep.
In fact, every cell in your body communicates with one another…
Through a process called “fat cell signaling.”
If you think about it, this makes sense…
Because unless your cells were all on the same page…
Your body would quite literally fall apart.
Well, fat cells are no different…
And what science has shown us…
Is that normally, when your fat cells talk to one another…
They’re telling each-other to keep holding onto the fat that’s inside your belly…
So they can save it up for a rainy day.
2. How does Burn change what my fat cells are saying to one another?
- One of the star ingredients of Burn is Capsimax…
And Capsimax is a patented, encapsulated, and time-released version of Capsaicin.
What makes Capsaicin so special…
Is that your body actually has a whole network of receptors inside of it…
They’re called TRPV1 Receptors, but they’re also commonly referred to as Capsaicin
Receptors too…
And research shows that when you take the right dosage of a Capsaicin…
Like you get in Burn…
It activates those TRPV1 Receptors.
The reason that matters…
Is when your TRPV1 Receptors are activated…
They tell your fat cells to start BURNING fat, instead of holding onto it…
And this triggers the release of fat cells throughout your entire body…
Something that’s known as “simultaneous fat release”...
Which is a pretty amazing breakthrough…
Because it means now you can get your body into fat-burning mode without having to
hit the gym, or even change what you eat…
Although I do of course believe that a healthy diet and exercise are still important for
3. What are the ingredients inside Burn again?
Burn contains Capsimax, which is the patented version of Capsaicin I just told you
Paradoxine, which is a special and patented version of the Grains of Paradise Spice…
And EGCG, a green tea extract with powerful fat-burning potential…
Along with Yohimbe, Rauwolscine, and an optimal dosage of caffeine.
Plus every single ingredient is included in clinically supported dosages…
Which means Burn doesn’t just look pretty…
It packs a powerful punch too.
4. What are the terms of the guarantee again?
It’s super straight forward…
You have a full 60 Days to order Burn and try it out for yourself…
And if you don’t love your experience with this fat-burning breakthrough…
Simply call or email my U.S. Based customer support team…
And we’ll refund your entire order with no questions asked.
5. Okay, I’m ready. What now?
This is the fun part
Just click on one of the packages below and place your order.
You’ll then go to our secure checkout page, where you’ll enter your basic details…
And after you’re finished…
Your order of Burn will be sent out to you in just 3-5 business days
And remember, you’re covered by that 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee too…
So there’s really no reason not to go ahead and place your order today…
Especially since right now, if you’re on this page, it means we do have some bottles in
stock…which isn’t always the case…
And because right now we’re offering our biggest discount on Burn ever...
But only for a limited time.
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