Putin feels like a Saul type of person to me

1 year ago

All Praises and Glory to the most High YAHAWAH in the name of his only begotten son YAHAWASHI in the name of the Holy Spirt

Bitchute - Rapah Ahrayah https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MvGBoKGu6I9L/

Odysee - https://odysee.com/@RapahAhrayah144:b

Youtube - Rapah Ahrayah https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRVkvQP76tL41tJyFpfD8xA

Youtube - Rapah Ahrayah ba https://www.youtube.com/@rapahahrayahba

Youtube - Rapah Ahrayah 1447 https://www.youtube.com/@RapahAhrayah1447

Twitter https://twitter.com/HealLion144

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