Live Soil Microscopy! Assessing Indoor Soil SAMPLE 4! Added JMS!

1 year ago

Plants still rocking!
Check out Sample 1 here:
Added some EM before Sample 2:
Added some mycorrhizae before Sample 3:

Just added some JMS (JADAM Microbial Solution) I made in winter! It thawed enough to collet some leaf mold from the forest under the biggest pine and biggest oak I can think of in town.

15 gal Grass Roots living soil pots
45% Fox Farm Ocean / 45% local top soil / 10% Crescive Soil Compost
Added rice hulls, pumice, buildasoil big six micro nutrients.

Horizonal Soil Build:
Layer 1 (R): Lava Rock and gathered local Pebbles
Layer 2 (C): Clay and Sand from the property
Layer 3 (A): Soil Mix I listed above
Layer 4 (O): Bamboo, Organic Straw, Leaf Mulch

Top Dressings: Worm Castings, ground Sprouted Seeds, ground Oyster Shell, and Kelp I harvested from the beach.

ONLY other additives: Compost Extracts, EM from Tera Ganix, and Mycorrhizal from Buildasoil.

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