Coffee :) Time & Current Events

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1 year ago

Come enjoy some Coffee ;) with the gang and go over a few different current events with us.

So, looking around the world today it is becoming incontrovertible that there is a
noticeable difference from where we are as a society today and where we should
be. A De-Evolution if you will, and we are clearly devolving as a Society. Perhaps it
is just me but I see more divide in this world than I can ever remember in the first
40 years of my life. I see more hatred and an overall disrespectful, uncaring attitude
of “I am the only one that matters in this world”, and it grows exponentially every
single day. Why? To steal a quote from a movie, “what is the point of civilization if
no one is interested in being civil?” The one thing I find most disturbing is the lack
of awareness to the fact that no one seems to understand their actions affect other
people, or they simply do not care. So, what is Not SO Common? I hope it to be a
common sense approach to what is going on in our society. What I call common
sense, though, has really in a lot of ways become uncommon and if common sense
is no longer common, it can no longer be called common sense. Therefore, the
name of this podcast “Not So Common.” Hopefully, this is entertaining, possibly
enlightening but I may be asking a bit much. What I do know is that not everyone is
going to agree which leads me to the disclaimer.

Should you find yourself while listening to this in a car or at work or maybe at home or any
where you want to enjoy your listening material and you feel “Triggered” by something
that has been said here please do me a favor and quickly, stop the podcast and go listen to
something other than me and my friends, you snowflake. If you do not like the words used
because you don’t acknowledge the pronouns used just take the EarPods out and go away.
No one is making you listen to this and there is a vast internet full of other things for you to
hear since you are incapable of an intellectual debate or intelligent conversation. Another
movie quote, “You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are
the same decaying organic matter as everything else.” This is an area of blunt honesty and
truth presented and supported with facts not feelings. I do not care how you or anyone else
feels, facts don’t change based on how they make you feel. Maybe you cannot handle that
but at the end of the day, no matter what is said or what ideas might come out of this there
is one fact that holds true. It does not matter so Fuck you. WHY? Fuck you that’s why.
Now put on your grown-up pants and enjoy or don’t because it doesn’t matter.

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