History of Energy Healing - Principle of Energy Healing - Energy Medicine - Energy Healing Therapy

1 year ago

In this free energy healing class, you’ll learn about the history of energy healing and where, when, and how energy healing originated. There is much evidence of energy being used by our ancient ancestors for healing purposes. You’ll learn that the ancient method of ‘laying-on-of-hands’ is practiced in many cultures throughout the world. Learn how these powerful time-tested methods have been transformed into a modern healing modality.
Energy healing is known as many names including ENERGY MEDICINE, ENERGETIC HEALING, REIKI, PRAN, CHI, plus many other variations based on the same principle of clearing and balancing the body's energy field.

Energy healing is a stand-alone healing modality and can also be integrated and merged with other modalities including, Reiki, Psychotherapy, Meditation, Mindfulness, Reflexology, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy plus many more.

Our Online Diploma Training Course teaches you how to become a successful holistic healthcare practitioner. Learn some of the most advanced energy healing methods found anywhere in the world today. You can apply these energy healing medicine methods for Physical injuries, Pain, Stress or Anxiety, Depression, Panic attacks, Sickness or Disease to help yourself, your family or paying clients.

When you complete this award-winning course you can register as an Internationally Recognised Healing Practitioner and set up your own successful practice in your city or town or even start a work-from-home business in your own home. We’ll show you how to do all this. We’re here to help you 24/7 with life-time support.

Choose our award-winning Advanced Bio Energy Healing Course and you could be up and running in a very short time.
Check out our TRY-BEFORE-YOU BUY - FREE ENERGY HEALING CLASSES, now available on our website. https://www.healingcoursesonline.com/

Register now and start your bio energy healing journey today.
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