Q&A #3 - cleaning leaves, buying wet sticks, a little more about myself etc.

2 years ago

Hi all,
In this video I am answered questions raised on my community page. You can use timestamps below to go to the relevant question #caretips #planttips #houseplantcaretips #houseplants #indoorplants #questionanswer

For more content follow me on:
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sydneyplantguy/
- TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sydneyplantguy

00:00 Intro
01:14 Have you every been overwhelmed by the plants?
03:39 Is there a plant you don’t already have that you have to have ?
05:51 How do you care for your anthuriums, specifically watering them
08:05 Walk us through your daily/weekly plant routine
10:08 Would a mature cutting go back to juvenile leaves ?
12:16 How do you manage for your plants on moss poles to continuously grow larger leaves even though you don’t have the best humidity?
15:12 Is adding a liquid nutrient into the moss when making the poles beneficial?
16:03 Lifetime of your moss - how do you change the moss in your poles?
18:14 Do you buy well rooted cuttings or wet sticks? I
20:40 How long does xyz take?
22:26 Due to water retention, do moss poles increase the chances of root rot, mould or pests?
24:42 Would a shorter moss pole affect a plants ability to mature ?
26:15 What do you do then your plant reaches the desired maturity?
28:02 Why don’t you grow ____?
30:24 When did you start growing plants?
34:26 What are some of your oldest plants?
35:44 How do you clean your leaves ?
36:09 What do you do to stop yourself from buying more plants?
37:45 A little about myself, other interests, hobbies, job

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