Eyes On The Stars, January 10th 2023

1 year ago

Hi Everyone,

Beautiful Bridges ... even when broken, beauty still shines. Bridges can be metaphors, connecting us to our unconscious.

The hidden story. (Pluto)

The unconscious contains stories that have been formed from memories carried deep within each part of us (positive & or negative); every part of our being is a part of a greater story.

When we regress and explore these stories within, we discover, at times, what we thought was once our block and now see it as our saving grace.

The Power of Story ... I believe We can heal deeply masked wounds through the story’ more so when the story is told through the wisdom of the heart, with the intention to share the enrichment of learning through the passage to understanding.

There is always (golden wisdom in every heart-spoken story) truth is a vibration that can be felt when read or heard. -

To create a perfume, you have to be the servant of the unconscious. Each idea evolves and transforms, but there should be a surprise with each note.
Serge Lutens —

An example of how we can heal thru a story ... the mythical story is when we appreciate and understand our beautiful soul’s Language.
The more we can heal and rewrite our story choosing to see it all as rich medicine bringing us nourishment, and courage, not shame, or disgust, but an opportunity to set a new story in place on our timeline, breaking the bindings of our past.

It all depends on how the story is told.
Isolation or Meditation?
Separation or self-exploration?
The victim becomes the story of the Heroine discovering herself.
Heartbreak becomes a story of heart wholeness! A heart capable of feeling will become a rare gift going forward, we will see many close down in order to cope! Be aware of this very important distinction! - (Hardest pill I swallowed was realizing I meant nothing to people that meant a lot to me.)

A mini mythical story of Jupiter 12 year cycles told thru the story of Fatima) this is a small snapshot of a much more fascinating and enriching story.
Fatima is a young woman whose life seems beset by one disaster after another.
Setting forth on a journey from her home in the West, she is shipwrecked and cast ashore alone near Alexandria. Adopted by a family of weavers and beginning to prosper in her new life, she is captured and made to work making masts.
Undertaking a journey to sell the masts, her ship is wrecked off the coast of China.
It is only here that Fatima finally realises that what seemed to be disasters were essential steps towards realising her eventual fulfilment.

Fun Science Fact -:

Without Jupiter, the Earth would be pummelled by impacts from asteroids and comets, rendering our planet utterly uninhabitable.

The planets and all their frequencies are constantly impacting us and our planet. Astrology is not about fortune telling; it is a navigational tool to understand the astrological weather and how this energy potentially relates to and impacts you.

Build bridges that will lead you to more knowledge, growing you into a deep more wholistic understanding and far less superfluous noise.
Be discerning and accountable for yourself, and stop simply following trends for fun! be willing to go deeper into your soul instead of surface surfing. Choose to understand who you, where you are in this moment, and why you’re here.

Peace and Love

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