5G Satellites 60 GHz mobile and your cells

1 year ago

Lena Pu speaks to Jason Liosatos @ JasonLiosatos.com on the dangers of wireless technology. Full interview link https://www.transitieweb.nl/straling/lena-pu-waarschuwt-voor-een-tweede-corona-golf-door-uitrol-van-60-ghz-wifi-in-scholen-en-instellingen/?fbclid=IwAR2Y4ORqwF4Oc-qaxO7S

....on how wireless technology at 2.45 ghz attenuates to water in your cells and at 60ghz or 5G it attenuates with the O2 oxygen in human cells thus starving them of O2. The possible result is sudden death.

This is in the scenario of hospitals where 60ghz wireless is being used with medical equipment.

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