Clare Lopez- NEC-SE DIR, South America & Near East Threats, New Paradigms w/Sargis Sangari EP #132

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On Monday, 9 JAN 23, on New Paradigms with Sargis Sangari, Episode #132, Ms. #ClareLopez, senior advisory board member of Near East Center for Strategic Engagement, The Director of U.S. Geostrategic Security Issues for #NECSE, the Founder/President of #LopezLiberty LLC & former #CIA #Clandestine Operations Officer joins me to discuss America's #Geostrategic #Security Issues and the threats from #SouthAmerica and the #NearEast.

On National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Clare joins me to discuss the uprising in #Brazil, where supporters of former Brazilian President Jair #Bosonaro stormed multiple government sites. The protesters took over the Brazill #Congress and #SupremeCourt, and the #presidential palace in #Brasilia, the country's capital.

This chaos took place just a week after the #inauguration of far-left #socialist and #Marxist Luiz Inácio Lula da #Silva as president of Brazil, who won in a close election.

Clare explained how the #communist and #Marxist forces are making headways in #SouthAmerica, including the #Caribbeans.

In 1990, the São Paulo Forum (#FSP) was formed in the Brazilian city of #SaoPaulo. It is a conference of left-wing political parties and other organizations from #LatinAmerica and the Caribbean. With the backing of communist #Cuba, #Bolivia, and #Venezuela, which now has expanded to include #Argentina, #Uruguay, #Chili, #DominicanRepublic, #Honduras, #Columbia, #Mexico, #Panama, and #SaintLucia.

Unfortunately, as most of those nations in South America are now leaning towards a communist, socialist governmental system, the United States has not been engaged in the region to counter the advances of those emerging ideologies in our backyard.

As Clare laid out, in the absence of a U.S. presence, #China has expanded its power in the region by purchasing land and #businesses throughout South America in an expansion of its Belt and Road Initiative, formerly known as One Belt One Road or #OBOR for short.

During our discussion, I reminded our viewers that #Russia has purchased agricultural land and critical locations in Brazil and Argentina to ensure it has a global reach in agricultural manufacturing in the future using the #Potash in Cuba.

We also discussed the #POTUS visit to the U.S. #SouthernBoarder and the #cartel wars in Mexico after the arrest of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán's son.

Most of the #drugs making it to the U.S. come from the #GoldenTriangle, which is a rural region of northern Mexico in the states of #Sinaloa, #Chihuahua, and #Durango, where in 1960, almost 20,000 farmers came to produce 74% of the illegal drugs in the United States. This area is the birthplace of #ElChapo and the #SinaloaCartel.

Clare described Mexico as a #narcostate that given its level of corruption, it is well compromised. Clare also stated that the biggest threat to the U.S. States is the Chinese #Fentanyl that is making it to Mexico and is trafficked into the U.S. by the cartel.

China ships its precursors to Mexico, and the drug cartels mix them up and press out the tablets that are flooding across the border, with enough seized last year that could kill every person on the planet.

107,000 Americans were killed by #opioids the previous year, with most coming from fentanyl mixed with those opioids. According to Clare, the attacks are part of China's Chines Communist Party (#CCP) #unrestricted #warfare against the U.S., where #biochemical warfare is an explicit element of its arsenal to take down America.

During our discussion, I pointed out that #MioShabado is running the cartel finances in the absence of the Sinaloa Cartel leadership. Moreover, the money that the cartel has now invested in the southern border operations has compromised national security to the point that the #extradition of Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzmán's son is unlikely.

With #Iran backed #Hezbullah operating in the #Tri-border region of South America where #Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina meet, it is unlikely that President #Biden can offer a solution to the border crises which will address these geostrategic issues.

NEC-SE had written about this coming disaster in October 2015. (see below link)

In the second half of the show Clare and I discussed the current Revolution in Iran and why the Biden administration, as did the #Obama administration, is still pursuing a Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (#JCPOA) with Iran.

This comes on three years to the anniversary of Iran shooting down a #Ukrainian #airliner near #Tehran killing 176 people, and as it is providing #military #drones in support of # Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Clare reminded us that the JCPOA was signed between Iran and the P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (#UNSC) - #China, #France, #Russia, #UnitedKingdom, #UnitedState - plus #Germany with the backing of the #EU.

The new renewal pursuits by the current administration are more likely a Biden legacy focus. According to Clare, it is more likely that Iran has already enriched 90% of the #Uranium it needs for a #nuclear #warhead. #EnrichedUranium is a type in which the percent composition of uranium-235 (written 235U) has been increased through #isotope separation. Unfortunately, the International Atomic Energy Agency's (#IAEA) attempts to monitor are limited in Iran, and the agency can only call Iran's operations weaponized once Iran attaches a warhead to a #missile.

According to Clare, the current IAEA Director, General Rafael Mariano Grossi, who assumed office on December 3, 2019, has called out Iran, given Iran's violation of the IAEA inspector's findings.

All this is taking place against the background of Iran's crackdown on the nationwide #protests in Iran and with the knowledge that Iranian operatives are plotting #assassination of American #diplomats. The targets include John #Bolton who served as the 26th United States National Security Advisor (#NSA), and Mike #Pompeo, who served as President Donald #Trump's director of the Central Intelligence Agency (#CIA) and as the 70th United States secretary of state (#SoS).

Please join us for this comprehensive look at America's Geostrategic Security Issues and the threats from South America and the Near East.

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