January 9, 2023

1 year ago

I cannot vouch for this version of the Bible, but what maybe hidden from us may not be hidden from a man in the future with different knowledge than we have today.

The man of the fifth century Common Era may read the text of the Bible and understand it differently than did Matthew Maury in the 18th century, who perceived the Mind of God to say there are paths in the sea. Was the secret hidden? In a sense, yes.
Matthew Maury became known as the Father of Oceanography.

Psalm 8:8
“The birds of the air, and the fish of the sea,
Whatever passes through the paths of the seas.”

Was the Psalm 8:8 text always in the Bible, yes.

The timeless and ageless Word of God was there, but there was not a man who was able comprehend sea travel.

Not until there was a need for, and a man with a logical mind and a man of technical knowledge enough to transverse the seas.

God always speaks through a man.
God never reveals His Word, His Mind, His Truth through a committee.

God always speaks to and through the man and the women who can hear.
But women do not have the power of that of a man.

So God lets me see into His infinite wisdom as through a glass darkly.

12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
I Corinthians 13:12

God says to Paul. “The brightness of My infinite wisdom and of My knowledge is going to be too much for you.

So God says, here is a pair of sunglasses, so you are not blinded or inundated with knowledge you cannot use or understand

So God says to Paul. “I don’t want to go blind. Wear these.”
Paul would have called them sunglasses if he had known about sunglasses

Wear these, but there will be a day when we will know even as we are known of God

There’s going to be a day when we get to look full-on at the flawless visage God.
We get to look into the infinite wisdom of God.

Much like looking at a perfectly cut diamond with the Light of the Ages shining from some nebulous point deep within the diamond.

Because God is infinite and timeless, we will never tire of drinking in infinite wisdom and timeless knowledge coming from God’s visage.

Some of that knowledge will be of your soul’s journey through life.

Your multiple triumphant in serving God and man.
And your multiple failures to hit the bullseye of God’s perfect will.

There is a old statute in the business world.
If you, as a supervisor, can find a good and faithful servant for the job. Give that man or woman the job.

Does the supervisor demand perfection of that man, absolutely yes.
Does the supervisor know the man’s human frailties and his imperfections, yes.
Now the supervisor knows the man can’t see perfectly, let alone do perfectly.

What does the supervisor say to the man, when the task is successfully completed

What illustration do we have from the Bible about this leaky vessel of a man.

23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 25:23

Enter thou into My goodness, My good and FAITHFUL servant.

God’s law demands perfect holiness, but God’s Arbiter rewards faithfulness.

God looks for the success He has engendered; not what you’ve done in your humanity.

God rewards faithfulness. Your faithfulness to stay on task.

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