Apocalypse: This is How The World Ends

2 years ago

A short film showing how the world ends, and an end of humanity as we know it (possibly). So doomsday peppers, this one's for you, so grab your survival kits!
There are a few opinions to how the end of times will go down but don't worry, this video is just my perspective of what it could be like. Enjoy and remember... it's not real.. YET

#doomsdaypreppers #apocolypse #endofdays #endoftheworld #worldsend #armageddon #endoftheworld #survival #endofdays #extinction #doomsday

Track: “Solstice”
Music by: Elysium Audio Labs
License: https://bit.ly/36o6QrJ

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Video content made for entertainment purposes only, all information is gathered from various internet sources and used to express my personal views and opinions in an entertaining manner, and in no circumstance intended to misinform, spread hate or be prejudice towards any person(s), business(s) or any other entity's. All content is in abidance with YouTube community guidelines, terms of service and subject to fair use policy.

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