How Mechanistic Interventions Suppress the Innate Immune System with Nancy Tarlow - Episode 1 - January 5, 2023

2 years ago

Doctors and Scientists with Brian Hooker Ph.D.

Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs - PMC9012513

Stephanie Seneff, Greg Nigh, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos, Peter A. McCullough

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Covid Shots Suppress Immune System

Nemos News Network - January 25, 2022

The Covid shots can cause neurons in the brain to produce toxic spike protein, or take up circulating spike protein. These neurons try to eliminate the spike protein with immune cells, activating an inflammatory response, which can lead to brain disorders. Two microRNA’s (miR-148a and miR-590) can significantly disrupt the type-1 interferon response in immune cells. Interferons are how the body defends against viruses and pathogens. Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., described in a non-peer reviewed paper just published this week, Covid jabs result in the suppression of innate immunity. This is done by inhibiting the interferon type-1 pathway.
There are now twice as many reports of cancer following the Covid jab compared to all other “vaccines” combined over the last 30 years. This is insane because blind doctors and patients do not think this is associated with the genocide jabs. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT, discussed this in her latest paper, Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations.” This article was co-written by Dr. Peter McCullough and two other authors, which noted the role of microRNAs, exosomes and other complexes. They discussed the differences between spike protein and the Covid-19 jab spike protein. These doctors take a deep dive into the mechanisms of action of Covid shots, showing how they absolutely, “in no way, shape, or form, are safe and effective.” The genocide jabs suppress the innate immune system, which is our God-given natural defense that we were born with. The scary scenario with this article is they are seeking some type of alternative media to publish it, because of the amount of Fake News censorship going on now. Dr. Seneff noted: “I just keep thinking it’s not going to get any worse, and it’s truly going to get better, and it just seems to keep getting worse and worse.” This is disheartening because Big Pharma has so much money and power behind them. On January 16, 2022, the pre-print service Authorea published this paper on its website making it official.
Seneff noted that the various data bases for adverse effects with the Covid-19 jab, where the numbers are out of sight. The levels of side effects go from mild to catastrophic. She has been researching the cancer data. Breast cancer, for example, is three times higher for the Covid shot in one year, than for all other “vaccines” for 31 years. Lymphoma is also seen quite frequently in the VAERS website. Seneff stated in the article: “It puzzles me that they are willing to do such damage to the health of the whole population of the world. I don’t understand the degree of evilness.”
As mentioned above, the genocide jabs suppress the innate immune system by inhibiting type-1 interferon. Dr. McCullough and Seneff first became interested with this topic in an Indian study, in which human cells were grown in a culture and exposed to the DNA nanoparticles that instruct them to make SARS-Co-V-2 spike protein, much like the Covid jabs do. The cell strain is called HEK-293. These are cells that are taken from the kidneys of an aborted fetus in the 1980s and are frequently used in research. Even though they are taken from kidneys, these cells have neuron-like characteristics. These cells are programmed to make spike protein. These cells then release the spike protein inside exosomes (their role is to carry information by delivering various effects or signaling molecules between cells). Exosomes act as a communication network for cells. In the case of Covid shots, the exosomes contain spike protein and microRNA. MicroRNAs are signaling molecules that are able to influence cell function. They cause the cell to change its behavior and metabolism, usually by suppressing certain enzymes.

The Indian study exposed immune cells in the brain to these exosomes, turning in an inflammatory response. This is a primary response to the miR-148a and miR-590. Combined, they cause inflammation in the brain which damages neurons. This inflammation, in turn, can contribute to a number of degenerative brain disorders. The lipid particles in the Covid jab, which contain the mRNA, are similar to exosomes, but not identical. The are similar to low-density lipid (LDL) particles, which is the “bad” cholesterol. The “vaccine” fragments have cholesterol in their membrane. Seneff noted that the Covid jabs “are very cleverly designed, both in terms of protecting the RNA from getting broken down, and in terms of making the RNA be very efficient at making spike protein. It’s very different from the mRNA that the virus makes even though it codes for the same protein.” Seneff wrote an entire research paper showing the difference between the viral spike protein and the Covid shot spike protein. The two microRNAs, listed above are able to disrupt the type-1 interferon response in any cell, including immune cells.
The interferon response is absolutely critical as the first stage reaction to a viral infection. When a cell is invaded by a virus, it releases type-1 interferon alpha and type-1 interferon beta. They act as signaling molecules that tell the cell it is infected. That, in turn, launches the immune response early in the viral infection. People who end up with severe SARS-CoV-2 infection have a compromised type-1 interferon response. Seneff noted in the papers: “It’s ironic that the vaccines are being given to protect you from Covid, yet, they produce a situation where your immune cells are ill-equipped to fight SARS-CoV-2 if it gets into the cell. The trick is, the vaccine produces a tremendous antibody response, and that’s typical of severe disease.” The Covid jab, however, fools the immune system into thinking the case of Covid is severe. The RNA does not look like a virus RNA, it looks like a human RNA molecule. The modifications made to the mRNA in the Covid shot have made it very sturdy, so it cannot be broken down. The genocide jab is very efficient at making spike protein fast. The immune system takes up the nanoparticles and carry them through the lymph system into the spleen, which is important for producing antibodies. The antibody response from the Covid shot is much higher than natural infection. Research has shown the level of antibody response rises with disease severity. Therefore, the shot mimics severe infection, since in mild infection, antibodies may not be produced at all, because the innate immune cells are strong enough to fight off the infection with them. If the immune system is weak, it can cause trouble. The weakness is a suppressed type-1 interferon response, where immune cells are not capable of stopping the spread of the virus in the body. According to Seneff, the reason why type-1 interferon injections have not been recommended because it has to be timed perfectly in order for the immune cascade to function properly. It can only be used early in the infection, not the moderate or severe stage.
As noted by Seneff, the Covid jabs are unnatural because the immune system does not know what to do anymore. The toxic spike protein is being produced in excessive amounts by the immune cells, which is unusual. Human immune cells are making a lot of toxic protein and they have no idea what to do with it. The nanoparticles cause spreading of the spike protein around the rest of the body, trying to dissipate the toxicity in the spleen, is the theory explained by Seneff. B-cells and T-cells need to figure out how to shape the antibodies to match the toxic protein that is exposed on the surface of the exosomes. The researchers felt the exosomes played a critical role in this extreme antibody response that was produced by the B-cells and the T-cells, the adaptive immune system. These immune cells try to make a large amount of antibodies that glue onto toxic spike proteins and block them from being able to get through the ACE2 receptor. That is the job of the antibodies. Initially they do a good job, protecting from disease, but unfortunately, the antibody levels drop dramatically and quickly from the genocide jab. Seneff explained in the article: “There is a crossover point at which the enhancing antibodies can be stronger than the protective antibodies, and that’s when you get this antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) that people have seen in the past with coronavirus vaccines.”
Seneff and McCullough came across a Chinese study that tracked the effect of the Covid shot on the immune system over time. They discovered that the infection caused an increase in CD8+T-cells, which are vital for removing infected cells. CD8+ cells are an important part against SARS-CoV-2. Importantly, the CD8+ T-cells were enhanced in response to natural infection, but not in response to the Covid jab. The Chinese study found type-1 interferon inhibition after the genocide jab. Not only is the first-line response depressed (interferon), but the immune response that cleans away infected cells is also missing.
A third microRNA (mRNA) created by natural SARS-CoV-2 infection is miR-155, which plays an important role in heart health. Early in the plandemic, there were reports of Covid-19 causing heart problems. Seneff believes the miR-
155 containing exosomes may also be present after the jab, playing a role in heart damage being reported. Specifically, miR-155 is associated with myocarditis. The antibodies produced by the clot shot have several short peptide sequences that have been found in human cells that are related to autoimmune disease, according to Seneff. That means when a strong antibody response to the spike protein, those antibodies get confused and they can attack a human protein that has a similar sequence. That is a classic form of autoimmune disease by producing antibodies to those sequences in the spike protein.
The Covid shots are connected with neurological problems such as uncontrollable shaking and tremors, disproportionately among women. Here again exosomes are involved. Immune cells in the spleen make spike protein and release it in exosomes. Seneff explained that it has been shown in several studies on Parkinson’s disease that exosomes travel along nerve fibers. They go up the splanchnic nerve, then hook up to the vagus nerve, and at last up to the brain, thus entering all different nerves in the brain. The VAERS database is suggesting different nerves are being inflamed. Some of the neurological disorders being reported to the VAERS are tinnitus and Bell’s palsy, and migraine headache. Tinnitus is an inflammation of the auditory nerve, while Bell’s palsy is an inflammation of the facial nerve. Migraine headache is an inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Seneff suspects as well that nerve fibers in the spinal column are involved, causing cases of paralysis. One other interesting find by Seneff is the possibility of causing disturbance to the myelin sheath, which is the protective covering of the nerve fiber. This problem involves complex signaling brought on through type-1 interferon disruption. Covid shots result in significant myelin damage, thanks to these inflammatory exosomes. This damage does not necessarily show up right away. It can take up to 10 years or more before a demyelinating disease sets in. Some jabbed people, however, are experiencing devastating side effects acutely.
Loss of smell and inability to swallow, are both signs of Parkinson’s disease, another condition being reported by thousands after the Covid shot. Seneff warned that we may see an explosion of cases in the near future. Pathogens in the gut can produce a prion-like protein, which is exactly what the spike protein is. Some other examples of prion-like diseases are Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). All of these diseases are over- represented in the VAERS database for the genocide jabs. CJD is a terrible disease, causing people to get crippled and die with a few years. Lastly, there are 58 cases of Alzheimer’s in association with the Covid jabs, and 13 in association with all other vaccines over 31 years.
Seneff predicts a dramatic increase in infections and cancers of all types, autoimmune disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and reproductive issues. As mentioned earlier, research has demonstrated that the spike protein accumulates in the spleen and women’s ovaries. Preliminary data shows women who get the shot within the first 20 weeks of pregnancy have a miscarriage rate of 82% to 91%. There are also reports describing fetal damage on the VAERS website. Similarly, men report swollen testes, which could be a sign of inflammation as well. One protein that is similar to the spike protein that antibodies attack is syncytin, which is essential for fertilization of the egg. This can disrupt or prevent implantation in the placenta.
More than 400 cases of serious heart problems and death have been reported among professional athletes. What mechanism of action can be associated with some of the healthiest people in the world? Seneff believes that being fit might cause athletes to have more ACE2 receptors in the heart. She believes the spike protein is being delivered to the heart by exosomes. The spike protein binds to the ACE2 receptor, thereby disabling it. When disabling ACE2, this results in an increase of ACE, which causes high blood pressure and elevated angiotensin 2. When angiotensin 2 is excessive in the body, it can generate inflammation in the heart. When athletes engage in intense exertion and their hearts are inflamed, this can trigger cardiac arrest. So many of these young men are collapsing on the field. The puzzling thing to me is why isn’t anyone questioning these episodes?

The last item talked about on Seneff and McCullough paper is something called G4 or G-
quadruplexes, which are not well understood yet. G4s are an arrangement of guanine (one of the four molecules in DNA, along with adenine, cytosine, and thymine). Prion proteins are made from RNA, and RNA has these G4s. The proteins can bind to the G4s, causing both of them to react. The theory is the protein becomes prion-
like. These prion proteins can either be safe or not safe, the latter leading possibly to neurodegenerative disease. There is a lot more guanine in the Covid jabs. Seneff believes that the G4s increase the risk, by the spike protein acting as prion-like protein. The bottom line is no one knows the long term effects of the genocide jab.
This is a lot of information to digest with these Covid jabs. Regulators in the European Union are now warning that repeat Covid shots can weaken overall immunity. The primary mechanism is the impairment of the interferon response, which is essential in the innate immune system. This brings up the question of how is type-1 interferon suppressed by the jab? Here are some other questions that I am going address. Are we going to see an explosion of neurodegenerative diseases over the next 10 years? In most cases with the genocide jab, did Big Pharma Cartel purposely put a slow-acting spike protein in the Covid jabs to cause an attack of the neurons in the body, causing diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, ALS, and multiple sclerosis? How carefully planned out was this scamdemic with these evil drug manufacturing cartels? May Yahweh bless all & keep safe!
Ed J. Janicki

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