Natural laws start from the creator, his nature and his creation

1 year ago

Lucifer he's the one who purposely trying to separate children from obeying the Father who knows them and created them to inherit the kingdom of God on earth.
But with this authority's comes also a responsability. God before passing to them over and giving all these things they have to pass the test, they have to show that they love God more than the temptations that satan gives.
Any of all these temptations he gives are not adequate compared to their relationships with their Father God.
This is very important because they are not focused on materialism or seeking pleasures whatever it be in order to satisfy immaterial emptiness that they have inside. This immaterial emptiness can be filled only by the immaterial God who is the creator of all the material and behind which all what it is written.
Therefore anything that the devil can gives us materially is nothing in comparison to what we can have with God the creatore
Socialism and communism is the pursuit of power, not love it is the pursuit of power.
We know that our civilization is eradicating their youth, that is a bad for the civilization. The civilization is poisoning their youth. This civilization is in serious troubles.
As we strays from God, we stray from the purpose of life, the meaning of the value of life; the ideals, honor and justice.
All this things start from natural laws that start from the creator, his nature and his creation.
What socialism and communist, north Korea, China all those systems are purposely trying to tear down traditional marriage, family, religion in general and especially Christians.
From (Sunday Service, 08.01.2023)

See also:
God knows what a man needs and what a woman needs

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