CCP comes after you wherever you are. 无论你身在何处,他们都会来迫害你

1 year ago

🔥Dov Hikind, the founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, received the interview by @Nicole7749 and @elliotdordick on the @NFSCSpeaks show — 01/04/2023:

💥The CCP is the anti-democracy in every single way imaginable. It's not only that you disagree, but if you disagree, they come after you wherever you are. There is no question that the Chinese people are suffering, the rest of us need to be involved to play a role in helping them, whatever that role is.

#PaulHastings #LucDespins #takedowntheccp #nfsc #whistleblowermovement #saynotoevil #saveamerica #ccp≠chinese


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