Is it Selfish to Ask 4 Donations? My Response and Then Some Considering My Specific Case. Thank you.

1 year ago

Please like, share and subscribe and donate if you can to Venmo @Erin-Vans, or via or via links on banner and on About Page.

1. I've worked for more than 64 employers and have a video listing said employers
2. I was actually severely attacked and experienced a very harrowing and traumatizing experience and harassment campaign that is whistleblower-like in nature and have not been able to find justice for it despite my attempts. (way too hard to prove these kinds of situations. at best one can file reports and complaints, but a single perpetrator is the best and only way to prove something and the gangs, gaggles and groupies of perpetrators already know the system and what counts as a major crime vs a minor one or low-level one...or not one at all. They know what they can get away with, big time!
3. Still working for a living and referring back to crowdfunding as a movement. Other people get support from family members, or they are married and can rely on the other half for their entire lives or part of their adulthood, etc.

Philadelphia has yet to step up to the plate in the law and order, justice department land.

With that said, can communities come together, without strings attached or obligations, or 'lording over of giving to another,' to give as a true giver of donations to help someone willing to come on here and plead for the kind of support she never really got.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding.
Much peace, love and happiness. Particularly at the beginning of 2023!

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