Truth be Told: Edinburgh 7th January 2023 - Part 4

1 year ago

Joanne was speaking in public for the first time ever, and was clearly very nervous. Combine that with the serious gaslighting all the vaccine injured have had to endure from the medical profession that is supposed to help them; from the media who are supposed to hold those in power to account; from the government they trusted to serve the best interests of the people of the UK, and from some of their own friends and families for the last two years, and you get some idea of the degree of courage it takes for them to speak at events like this. Without that courage, that willingness to say what needs to be said despite everything that has happened to them, we will not get anywhere. They are at the heart of this, and without them we fall. They are the best of us, and I admire their bravery more than I can ever say.

The month of January 2023 is dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the vaccine injured and bereaved. Edinburgh is the second event held in their honour.

The rest of the events are as follows:
14th January 2023: Birmingham
20th January 2023: Bristol
21st January 2023: London
31st January 2023: Manchester

For more information see:

"CoviLeaks; based in the UK and Founded by Fiona Hine in June 2020, was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 'pandemic'."

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion:

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