1 year ago

#G13▪︎Message For Today▪︎
▪︎Keep the M I N D in C O N T R O L of your #EMOTIONS when frustrating situations occur..
The #PRESSURES of daily PRACTICES and #RESPONSIBILITIES can be overwhelming at times..
It effects your #ATTITUDE towards others..as well as yourself..It decreases the FUNCTIONS of the immune S Y S T E M..which can cause
H E A L T H problems..Letting the S T R E S S #CONTROL you to a level where it does you more harm than good is unacceptable..You can't let it #NAVIGATE your L I F E to a point where you feel you have nothing left to offer the world..as well as yourself..
Giving up is not a OPTION..it's a cop out..
Bring that #WARRIORSPIRIT to the surface of your #MENTALPROCESS..
Everyone has it..Bringing it to a LEVEL where
it exposes your grit for SURVIVAL and the pursuit of #HAPPINESS..differs in all of us..
The right PRESSURE has to be applied to the #INDIVIDUAL..Your LIFE does have meaning..We all play a part in a very large picture..What your roll in this picture is decided by the #ACTIONS we take daily in the #CHOICES we make..The outcome is entirely how we face the TASKS and TRIALS bestowed upon us in our EXISTENCE here..Your next #LEVEL of LIFE is determined by your BELIEFS..FAITH..ABILITIES to adapt..#LEARN..#LISTEN..#LAUGH #LOVE..and #LIVE..(The 5 L's)..Make the decision to persevere..#EMBRACE the challenges set before you..Take that deep breath..and say..WHAT'S NEXT..and face it with a certainty..You will conquer any task you set your sights on..with #ENTHUSIASM and #PERSEVERANCE..Determining your own place in this world..
Keep P E A C E in your hearts..Go with #God..and move forward with "#PositiveOptimism"..#MuchLove "Humans"▪︎
G O D B L E S S . . . ❤🎇🛐🎼⚛🌎☯️♓🕴☻💯 Like..Follow..Subscribe..Comment and Share :

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