Roofer Marketing Solution: The Metaverse

1 year ago

Advertising in the metaverse is inevitable.

Now whether you & your company decide to grab the new world (order) by the horns or not is completely up to you – however, whether you like it or not, it’s here to stay.

Advertising in the metaverse(s) will look completely different, yet amazingly similar to how we’re currently advertising in the real world -the only difference is that in the digital realm, ANYTHING is possible. Meaning if you wanted to build a video game with real-life roofing prizes, YOU CAN. You want to sponsor a local NFT project & get community recognition & potential new lead conversions. YOU CAN. With a new limitless world – anything is possible… with just 1 caveat … local targeting capabilities.

If advertising on the metaverse has ever crossed your mind, give this quick video a watch & let me know what you think… would you advertise in the metaverse? Or do you think it’s best to wait a couple of years?& as always, if you’re ready to add a marketing professional to your team – shoot me a DM!


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