Not Our Future - Oxford Event - Sunday 8th January 2023

1 year ago


Oxfordshire County Council have decided to divide the city of Oxford into six 15 minute neighbourhoods (15MNs). The Council’s cabinet member for travel and development strategy said “It’s going to happen definitely” which doesn’t say much for the democratic process.
We won’t bother explaining the significance of this here. If you’re reading this then you probably know already. Basically, it’s the thin end of the wedge towards the United Nations’ Agenda 30.

The actual concept of 15MNs isn’t necessarily bad by definition, especially if you have young children. There must be hundreds of 15MNs in the UK already by accident or design without residents even realising it. Many small towns already have everything most people need.

If Oxfordshire County Council really want to create 15 minute neighbourhoods they should do it in the right way. They should develop them with full public approval, over a long time, for the community to use. If the residents like them they will stay. That’s the free market at work.

We don’t support Oxfordshire County Council’s proposal but it’s important to separate 15MN’s from the proposed control grid that will be used to enforce them. It’s the coercion that’s the bad thing here. They will be happy for us to shout and complain about the actual 15MN’s and how they are inconvenient and hurt business, etc. What they don’t want is the discussion about the everlasting system of surveillance and control that it would create and could be used for other things and morphed with digital ID etc.

Some people have already complained that Not Our Future wants the 15MN’s to happen and must be controlled opposition. We DO NOT want forced 15MN’s brought in under the spurious excuse of traffic/climate emergencies. But if something happens naturally over 40 years with full consultation and permission and people like it and it’s 100% voluntary (no coercion) then that’s just normal life.

Don’t confuse a totalitarian control grid with traditional town planning.

Keep the focus on the control systems. That’s the enemy. The future of humanity revolving around continuous surveillance and threats forever? That doesn’t sound like progress. That’s not flourishing. That’s not our future!


Elsewhere you may have heard that Not Our Future is completely fed up with talk. Everyone is talking and very few are doing anything. Even people who do stuff are often just coasting.

On 8th January, Not Our Future will be doing something tangible on a significant scale that can be used as a model for the whole country and even the world. We will put a leaflet through every front door in the City of Oxford. We will give teams of volunteers a list of which streets in which wards they need to deliver to. We will coordinate who will have access to cars on the day and ensure all cars have two teams of two in each.

We need to have about 500 volunteers for the day. Any more would be a bonus. Any less and we will ask local volunteers to finish the leafleting during the following week or so. Being the first day of action, so soon after Christmas means we may get a lower than hoped turn-out but we’re very optomistic.

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