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CERN | Dr. Tom Horn [2022] (End-Times/Bible Prophecy)

2 years ago

CERN according to Bible Prophecy

23 Sept 2022 End Times: The Movie is a look at our modern world, through the lens of Bible prophecy. This is the section on CERN (timestamp 17:29-33:19 of the full movie)

Watch full movie:
End Times: The Movie (2022)

Dr. Tom Horn

Looking up CERN in Australia as today's topic of interest:

CERN From Different Perspectives [Videos]
Jumping around looking at the various perspectives of CERN today, having no formed-opinion of it myself, only that “We don’t know much about it, and apparently, neither do the physicists that work there,” and yet it generates billions of dollars for itself and convinces governments around the world to throw millions at it, and it’s setup all over the world, including Australia.

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