Sleep deprivation torture 9th january 2023 inside UFSM dormitory

2 years ago

Notice how covert it is? well they use rooms in my surrounding for making these kinda noises and at some point direct audio stream but i always record it to make sure about the vicinity of the noise they make

FBI terrorist hired masonic jesuit police does it every night
they use every room for every excuses such as one for parties, the other for weekends and the other on regular bases

i can't sleep from the heat because my windows are closed at night due to the chemnical attacks - they still blow aerosols through drilled holes then radiate them with ultrasonic waves to heat up my body

They also use noises to wake me up then induce thoughts and then torture me

US agents are the most disgusting and despicable terrorists one can imagine. they are mad they could not kidnap me for torture, rape and experimentations

they are trying to sabotage my life, sabotage my career and sabotage everything by constantly harassing and provoking me

Please wake up to the genocide of US agents through stasi Zersetzung psychological operation they have been covertly conducting on their targeted victims

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