Picks and Old Guard word to the so-called wise in truth.

1 year ago

I do not claim nor say anything which I cannot or am willing to back-up.
Influencers, especially those pre to post 9/11 truthers, SORT YOUR FUCKING ACT OUT AND STOP FUCKING AROUND IN EGO.
I'll stop, as you weak cunts call it, "the hating", basically pointing your ruses out, when you stop recruiting for the Conspiracy trap. Me, I try to steer people away with honest years of understanding. If you cannot admit to self, well I am more than happy to remind you until we are all free from it's grip.
Hate me now but later we will become closer than you can imagine.
If the business and self importance does not stop, I'm outing the lot.
Please, underestimate me.
Virtue signallers and the 'fam' and 'babe' crew....I'm watching you.

To my subs, you are gonna love it from now on.

Much L❤ve


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