can i start a self-awareness movement/silly due to being serious

1 year ago

i'll get sick of these chords eventually
this is pretty good for what it is
sumin better than what you're used to
this world is a joke in itself
most comedians are depressed
libertinism *do what thou wilt
the Orthodoxy is the best cult
at least i'm not obsessed w/ ______
a mess that has always existed
you're still worshipping the same team
what are libertarians doin? sayin they're gonna do sumin just like everybody else
it's up to you to challenge yourself
sin in greek is missing the mark
we are totally abusing it at least today
camera crew of self-awareness, who else has one
thinkin way more than twice
gotta watch out with these labels
many would argue that i am deceiving myself
beLIEve in the sun god, yeah we know
i feel God that's why i know it's the Truth
not a sheep that just follows whatever the herd is doing
that saw NOTHING
my religion teaches me to be a better person
following the $ religion definitely seems like a total sham hahaha
i get christopher hitchens view, i just don't agree w/ him
what if it's ALL true
my goal is to piss off as many people as possible
queen of questions
flip phone life is the best
4:20, high on life *today

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