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August 29, 2022 🇺🇸 JESUS SPEAKS about the Fires of Purification... You choose, here on Earth or in the Beyond
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The Fires of Purification… You choose, here on Earth or in the Beyond
Summary from August 29, 2022
The Lord explains… Purification in the Day of the Lord
Thus says The Lord your God, The God of Israel… My anger is kindled against you, O churches of men! For you have not harkened to My voice, and to My words you have not listened; you do not heed the words given to My prophets of old, nor of this day. Shall I then reward you for your disobedience, simply because you are called Christian?
My children, I have sent many in My own name, putting My words in their mouths; and behold, I am sending 144,000. Yet you scoff and reject them, yea you persecute them on account of their words…
Therefore, O disobedient generation, who call of yourselves Christian, you are given up to refinement and shall pass through the fire, even the fires of The Last Week; you shall not be gathered! There shall be great wailing and gnashing of teeth.
And so it will come to pass… Those who would be first shall be last, and those who were accounted as last shall be first. For every man, who thinks himself righteous, shall be left. For there are none righteous, no not one, not one person or church; all is vanity and pride, vexation of spirit.
For I have already told you that I require of you humility, a complete forsaking of your wills, walking in faith, abiding wholly in the doctrine of The Messiah.
Yet all you men in the churches abide in your own doctrine, walking always in religion, and not in faith. For not one of you obeys God in truth!… I tell you, all religions shall fail! Not one shall persist!
For The Salvation of God is nowhere to be found in the religions of men; nor shall one find Me in any denomination or church! Thus all your attempts to hold onto your self-righteousness are in vain! For every bitter and perverse doctrine of men shall be burned up in the Day!
My children, Messiah’s church dwells within Him, and He dwells in the hearts of men. This is where My Son has rebuilt the temple which has fallen down. Yet you seek outwardly in the world for fulfillment, mixing the things of the world with the things of God, polluting pure worship with the abominations of the pagan and the heathen; altogether desecrating My name and My glory, as you continue to segregate My Word in an effort to maintain your own way.
Therefore, be separate! Says The Lord of Hosts, your Redeemer. Come out from among them, and follow Me! My servants, bring nothing with you, for I abide not in any church made with human hands.
Why do you not understand My speech?! For I tell you the truth… Those who love anyone or anything in this world more than Me, are not worthy of Me; and to be a friend of this world is enmity with God, as it is written… Stop stifling The Spirit!
Know you not… that to celebrate and worship Me, in any way contrary to the Scriptures, is a desecration of My name?! And to mix anything I have given you, with the things of satan, is an abomination?! My children, come out of her! The harlot has deceived you! And you willingly commit adultery with her, reveling in all her fornications…
Therefore, you are given up to judgment, refinement in the Day of The Lord! For I shall indeed correct and discipline you! Behold, with a strong rebuke and an outstretched arm I shall humble you, and tear down all your whitewashed walls of abomination!
You have forsaken Me! You have joined yourselves to another; A false image, an abomination, another Jesus! And in the way of the harlot you walk!… Thus I must bring My hand against you, that you may be humbled, that you may be broken atop The Stone, for by no other means shall you enter into My rest… Beloved, if I do not leave you to refinement, assuredly, I say to you, you shall never enter in.
For you are a very stiff-necked, hard-hearted people, a most rebellious generation. For as it is written, you draw near to Me with your mouths and honor Me with your lips, yet your hearts are far from Me… Hypocrites! Who do you serve?! This world, and all its adulteries against God?!
Or God, in spirit and in Truth, set apart from this world? For as it is written: The day is coming, and is already here, when The Father shall receive the worship He really wants. For only by the power of The Holy Spirit shall one worship God as He really is… Thus the first harvest shall indeed be lowly, of the lowly; and the second plenteous, of the refined and penitent.
Repent therefore, and humble yourselves, that you may escape all these things which must shortly come to pass! Repent, I say! Repent, in spirit and in truth, and now take up your cross and follow Me! Yet if you repent, and then return to those things of which you have repented, endeavoring not to change, has not your repentance become unrepentance?
My children, if you come before Me repenting of your transgressions, in where you have not kept The Moral Law of The Father, and then continue in your transgression, forsaking The Law, have you not committed an even greater evil? For you have made Me the author of sin, saying… ‚We are in Christ. We are free from The Law’… Desecration!
Little children, hear Me… You are free from the curse of The Law, for you are indeed saved by grace and now live because of Me. Behold, even by My own spirit shall you keep The Law. And though you are now free from the curse of The Law, which is death, you are by no means free to break The Law.
Have I not said… ‚You are forgiven; now go and sin no more?‘ Therefore if you continue to transgress, and seek not to change your ways, you remain in unforgiveness, having lied to The Father in My name. Neither are you born again of The Spirit, for all those who truly repent receive of My spirit, and strive also to walk in My ways… This, beloved, is true repentance.
I walked in perfect obedience with The Father, I kept The Commandments, every one, and by My example were they fulfilled. Therefore, I ask you, if one forsakes The Law, how then shall he fulfill it? And if one forgets the Sabbath, how then shall he remember it, to keep it holy? Or have you forgotten My words, when I said… ‚Do not think that I came to destroy The Law or the prophets; I did not come to destroy, but to fulfill.‘
I do not say then that you shall walk perfectly, for I know you are but flesh. Rather you shall sincerely strive to walk in uprightness, a completion of your faith through obedience, having received of the free gift, even this new heart I have given you…
And by this shall you be judged, for I search the hearts and minds, and I know if you have been fully converted in your heart, even unto your innermost parts – one who seeks to please The Father by all their doings, one who truly loves Me.
(This was an Excerpt from Jesus’ Message thru Brother Timothy from December 11, 2006)
Jesus explains… How you can avoid the Fires of Purification
(Jesus) “My heart for you, My People, is that in the hour of your death, you fly Heavenward. Unimpeded – straight into My waiting arms. That you eat the fruits and herbs of the trees along the River of Life and are fully healed and restored from the damage done to you on Earth.
“I want every one of you to see Me face to face. But this cannot happen clearly and completely until the layers of film from sin are washed clean.
“Each day, I come to you with the things that must be changed in your nature, by an act of your will. I shower you with love and affirm you. So that strengthened, you can avoid occasions of sin. I love you tenderly, so that you can in turn change your anger and rancor to love for others and avoid the fires of Purgatory.
“But if you will not come to Me each day and spend the time necessary for these healings to take place, you will walk out the door and continue to offend one another – because you are lacking in compassion and love. You are lacking, because you are not putting the right priority on being with Me, One on one.
“When that Day comes, the day of your departure from Earth, stripped of all earthly distractions and sensations – you will stand before My mirror and see every imperfection and habitual pattern of sin. You will feel your lack of love and your anger keenly and recognize yourself as being full of the toxic poison of rancor, greed, lust, and so many other sins that you have allowed to take root and live in you.
“You have known those things were there, but you didn’t realize that a time would come when YOU, not I, would have to work through them to pass through the gates of Heaven.
“Oh, what a day that will be!! Glorious for those of you who wept over your shortcomings and sins. Because though you may have been weak and fallen before coming to Heaven, if you were resolute and daily conquering yourself, mercy will be extended to you. It was your resoluteness, backed by action, that gained the pardon.
“But for others who have been avoiding that Day, it will be terrible. You will shake before My mirror and want to run and hide, so filthy will you appear to yourself and all in Heaven. Please, please, make it the number one priority to spend deep prayer time with Me and repent for your indiscretions. Repent and repair the damage you’ve done to other souls.
“Come to Me asking for the grace of true contrition and Mercy. I, on My part, will do what I can to bring you along to the state where you can finally be with Me and the Saints in Heaven. But My children, you must pass through the fires of remorse for your habitual sins you have refused to conquer. These cannot come with you into Heaven; they must be completely overcome.
“I know that you who are from a Protestant background are going to kick at this teaching and this reality. But should I refrain from giving it to you because others lied to you and did not form your conscience properly? Or should I give you the opportunity to change while there is yet time for you? I love you dearly. I cannot withhold the truth from you, lest you incur greater debts in your lives.
“When I told the parable of the guest at the wedding feast, I mentioned that one was improperly clad. That one had not put forth any effort to correct his faults and repair the damage he did to others – that is why he was excluded.
“And so, you can ascertain from this that you will not be taken in the Rapture – unless you have either conquered your faults, or are sincerely committed to conquering them everyday. In which case, you will be sure to receive Mercy and come with Me.
“I love you, Beloved Brides. I love you so tenderly as I see you struggle each day to overcome temptations and sins. You bring great joy to all of Heaven with your commitment to be Mine and Mine alone. Oh, how I cherish you!”
(This was the end of the Lord’s message thru Sister Clare from May 14, 2019)
And here is a confirmation for this from another source…
20. I say to you during this period: Do not accept the idea of “hell” that humanity has accepted. There is no more hell in this world, other than the life that man has created with his wars and hatred. And in the spiritual valley, there is no fire other than the great remorse that the spirit feels when its conscience shows it its errors.
25. Fire is the symbol of pain: of the regrets and repentance that torment the spirit, purifying it as gold is purified in the crucible. In that pain is My will, and in My will is love for you.
(from THE THIRD TESTAMENT, Revelations of Jesus Christ, Chapter 27, The Beyond)
Jesus explains the Fires of Purification… You choose, here on Earth or in the Beyond
(Jesus) “No one can plumb the depths of My Mercy and predict who will be detained in the purifying fires, and who will not. This is one reason why My Father is taking so long to give the word for the Rapture to begin.
“I do not want to see any of My Brides excluded from the wedding feast because they were detained for purification. Yes, there will be some who will. But the ones who were willing to suffer and work hard on their faults, they will come with Me to the Wedding banquet.
“This is another reason why I told the parable of the wedding feast and the man improperly dressed. His sin had worn his clothing threadbare, filthy, and unfit for a celebration. He had a long habit of not repenting, and therefore he was unfit for the Feast. He was saved, though, by his confession of Me as his Savior.
“But the others came to Me each day and wept over their sins, begging Me to deliver them. And doing many acts of reparation—not only for their sins, but for the sins of others.
“You ask, what is reparation? It is the soul who sees the evil that is done in the world, and is struck to the core by insults against Me, abortions, dishonest governments, and all manner of unrighteousness. And there are those who are so united with Me – when I grieve, they grieve. And in this way, they are repairing the damage of those who sinned against Me. And that brings Me comfort.
“There is no pat answer as to whether or not you will need purifying. But if you love Me with all your heart, your mind, and your strength and love your brother as yourself, you have very little to worry about. Rather, you will constantly be aware of temptations, faults, and lapses – and you will repent immediately.
“Remember, My Heart is a heart of Mercy. And I see every tear drop you cry over others and cry over your sins. And though you are weak, I am full of Mercy for you, because of the way you have been merciful to others.
“Purify yourselves, My Brides. Especially in this hour from sloth, which hurts the entire Body and deprives them of the nourishment you could have given, if only you had tried a little harder.”
(This was Jesus’ Message thru Sister Clare from May 20, 2019)
The 4 fires of Purification on Earth
The first 2 kinds of Fire of Purification. The Lord says:
185,1. Then the innkeeper, the father of Kado, stood up and said: “O Lord and Master, then how will it look like in the time of which You have said that the people will then be purified by fire before Your return, and what kind of fire will it then be?”
185,2. I said: “Yes, friend, that fire will be: great and general need, distress, misery and sadness, of a greater magnitude than the Earth has ever seen. Faith will extinguish and love will cool of, and all poor races will lament and languish, but still, the great and mighty and the kings of this world will not help the supplicants because of their great pride and by that also because of a too great hardness of their heart.
185,3. So, one people will rise up against another and will attack them with weapons of fire. Because of that, the rulers will come into great debts that cannot be paid off and will afflict their citizens with unaffordable high taxes. Because of that, there will be an excessive high cost of living, famine, many malicious diseases and epidemics and pestilence among the people, the animals, and even the plants.
185,4. There will also be heavy storms on the mainland and on sea, and earthquakes, and the sea will flood its shores in many places, and then the people will come into great fear and anguish because of the expectation of the things which will then come over the Earth.
185,5. All this will be allowed in order to turn the people away from their pride and their selfishness and their great laziness. The great and those who think of themselves to be mighty will be chastised with boredom and will by that be forced to come into action to free themselves from this torment.
185,6. And look, this is the first kind of fire by which the people will be purified for My return.
185,7. And in that same time, also the natural fire will play an extremely important role. The fire will drive on the ships over all the seas with the speed greater than that of the wind. Also, men will make with their sharp intellect iron cars and roads, and instead of pack animals they will harness fire to the cars, and with its great power they will drive off far over the Earth, faster than an arrow that has been shot off.
185,8. In this manner they also will be able to control the lightning and make it the fastest transmitter of their wishes and will from one extreme of the Earth to the other. And if they – the proud and greedy kings – will war against each other, the fire will render a great and decisive service, for by its great power, iron masses in the form of a sphere with a heavy weight will be flung with the speed of lightning to the enemy, the cities and strongholds and cause great destructions.
185,9. With these weapons the inventive people will come to the point when soon no nation will be able to start a war against the other, for when two nations should attack each other with such weapons then they easily and quickly will exterminate each other up to the last person, which would certainly not give a true victory and gain for neither one of them. Those kings and their generals will soon realize that, and that is why they will rather tolerate each other in peace and good friendship. And if somewhere a very proud and ambitious disturber of the peace should rise and would attack his neighbor, then the peaceful ones will unite themselves and chastise him. And in this way the ancient peace will be set for the people on Earth and will be established durably.
185,10. If one will count, from this My actual presence, almost 1890 years, there will hardly be any more war on Earth, and more or less in that time, also My personal coming on this Earth will take place, and the greatest enlightenment of men will begin.
185,11. Although there still will be wars among the more primitive peoples of the Earth, but these will also soon become impossible among them. I will drive them together with the help of My righteous and mighty kings and generals and let them pour out My light among them, and then they also will be changed into peaceful nations dedicated to the light.
185,12. Look, this is the 2nd kind of fire by which the people will be purified.”
The 3rd and 4th fire of purification.
186,1. A 3rd kind of fire will consist in the fact that I will awake already a few 100 years earlier ever clearer enlightened seers, prophets and helpers who will in My name, just as clear and truthful, teach the peoples everywhere about everything and will thus free them from all kinds of lies and deceit. They will clear the way for the downfall of false prophets and priests, even in My name. The latter will start, in a not too distant future, their evil beginning, and here and there they have started it in this My time already.
186,2. They will, just like the pagan priests, perform false signs and wonders and will deceive many people by which they will provide themselves with great earthly treasures, riches, might and great prestige, but by the 3rd fire and its most bright light they will lose everything and go completely to ruin. And the kings and princes who want to help them will by that lose all their might, their wealth and their thrones, for I will awaken My kings and generals against them and will give them the victory, and so the ancient night of Hell and its messengers among the people on Earth will come to an end.
186,3. As this night now consists in the pagan, blind and useless ceremony, which they call divine service, it will also exist in those times, but by the 3rd kind of fire from the Heavens it will be entirely devastated and annihilated because the lie will not be able to stand victorious in the battle with the light of the truth from the Heavens, as less as the natural night can stand before the risen sun. It must flee in its most dark holes and depths, and those who stand in the light will search no more for the night.
186,4. I have shown you now the 3rd kind of fire that has an extremely destroying effect on the darkness of men, and so I also will show you a 4th kind of fire by which the Earth, the people and all creatures will have to be purified by My 2nd coming. This kind of fire will consist of all kinds of great natural upheavals of the Earth, more precisely on those places of the Earth where men have built too big and beautiful cities in which the greatest pride, lack of love, bad morals, false administration of justice, power, prestige, laziness and with that also the greatest poverty and all kinds of need and misery will prevail, caused by a too strongly grown-out epicureanism of the great and mighty.
186,5. In such cities, through excessive pursuit of profit, all kinds of factories will be built on a large scale, and instead of human hands the work will be done by fire and water, together with a thousand different kinds of artful machines that are made of metal. The heating will be done by means of the ancient coals of the Earth that men will acquire in extremely great quantities from the depths of the Earth.
186,6. Once such activity will have attained its highest point by the force of the fire, the air of the Earth will become too strongly saturated on such places of the Earth with combustible kinds of ether, and these will soon ignite here and there and transform such cities and regions together with their many inhabitants into ruins and ashes, and that will then also be a great and effective purification. But whatever the produced fire will not have accomplished all kinds of great storms on Earth will accomplish where this will be necessary, for without necessity nothing will be burned or destroyed.
186,7. By that, the air on the Earth will be freed from its bad vapors and nature spirits as well. This will have a blissful influence on all other creatures on Earth and which will also benefit the physical health of the people, because the many malicious bodily diseases will cease to exist and the people will be able to reach a healthy, strong and old age.
186,8. Because the thus purified people will be standing in My light and will lively and truly keep forever the commandments of love from within, the earthly landed property will also be spread among the people in such a way that everyone will have so much that, with the right kind of zeal, he never will have to suffer need. The heads of the communities and also the kings, being entirely submitted to My will and standing in My light, will take care that there will never exist any need among the people. And I Myself will once again here and there visit the people and strengthen and establish them in those places where the people will have the strongest desire for Me and possess the greatest love for Me.
186,9. And with this you have received now for you Greeks a very understandable answer to your question. Although it is a prediction for a still quite faraway future, but it will not remain unfulfilled, for everything can perish sooner, even this Earth and the whole visible sky, rather than 1 of My words and predictions would remain unfulfilled. Did you well understand this now?”
(from THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN Volume 8, Chapter 185-186 – Revealed thru Jakob Lorber)
Purification in the Beyond… The Judgment of the Spirit by its own Conscience
40. When the spirit of some great sinner departs from this material life to enter the spiritual valley, it is surprised to discover that hell, as it had once imagined, does not exist; and the fire, of which it was previously told, is nothing more than the essence of its works harshly judged by its conscience.
41. That eternal judgment and enlightenment which exists in the midst of the darkness that surround the sinner, will be more painful than the strongest fire you could have imagined. But it is not a torture prepared beforehand as a punishment for the one who offended me. No, this torture originates when one begins to understand his own mistakes, when the spirit begins to feel great sorrow for having offended the One who created him and for not having made better use of its time and of the many gifts it received from its Lord.
42. Do you believe that I should punish those who by their sins offend Me, when I know that the sin offends more He who commits it? Do you not see that who the sinner does evil to, is himself? And that I will not increase the misfortune He has worked upon himself by punishing him? I merely allow them to see themselves and hear the inexorable voice of their consciences interrogating and answering them, to recover the spiritual memory that in the material form they had lost, and to remember their beginnings, their destiny, and their promises. There, in that judgment, they will feel the effects of the fire that exterminates their evil and that recasts them like gold in a crucible, separating them from that which is harmful or superfluous, and all that is not spiritual.
43. When a spirit stops to listen to the voice and judgment of its conscience, verily I say to you that at that moment it finds itself in My presence.
44 That moment of rest, of serenity, and of clarity does not come to all spirits at the same time; some readily enter into that self – examination and in so doing avoid much grief; for while they awaken to reality and recognize their errors, they prepare themselves and are ready to repair even the last of their bad deeds.
45. While others, blinded, be it by vice, by some resentment, or for having lived an existence of sin, delay coming out of their blindness.
46. Others, more dissatisfied, believing they have been torn from the earth before time, when all smiles upon them, curse and blaspheme, delaying their ability to free themselves from confusion, and like these, there are a great number of cases that know only My wisdom.
47. You shall have to answer for all, and the more evil your works, the more energetic the judgment you shall receive from yourself; for I do not judge you, that is false, it is your own spirit in its lucid state that serves as both your fearful prosecutor and your terrible judge. It is I who defend you against the confusion, and who absolve and save you, because I am the Love that purifies and pardons.
48. Think that very soon you will be in spirit, and that which on this earth you have sown, will also be what you reap. The passing from this life to the other does not fail to be a strict and severe judgment for the spirit. None escape that judgment, even He who considers himself the worthiest of servants.
49. My Will is that from the moment you enter that infinite dwelling place you cease to feel the anguishes of the earth, and begin to feel the sweetness and pleasure of having climbed another step on the path.
50. The Final Judgment, as interpreted by Humanity, is an error; My judgment will not be of an hour nor a day, it has weighed on you for some time.
51. However, I tell you truly that the bodies of the deceased, are dead, and have returned to integrate themselves in their own nature, for what is of the earth, shall return to the earth, just as the spiritual shall seek its dwelling place, which is in My bosom.
52. Yet, I tell you also, that in your judgment you will be your own judges, for your conscience, knowledge, and intuition will tell you to what point you are worthy and which spiritual dwelling you should inhabit. You will see clearly the road that you must take, for upon receiving the light of My Divinity, you shall recognize your acts, and judge your own merits.
53. In the spiritual valley there are many confused and disturbed beings; bear My message and light to them when you enter there.
54. You can practice that form of charity, starting now, by means of the prayer with which you can establish communication with them. Your voice will resonate in the place where they reside, and will make them awaken from their deep slumber. It will make them weep and cleanse themselves with their tears of repentance. In that instant they will have received a ray of light, for in that moment they will understand their past vanities, their errors, and their sins.
55. How great is the pain of the spirit when the conscience awakens it! How it then humbles itself under the gaze of its Supreme Judge! How humbly then spring from the intimate depths of its being, petitions for forgiveness, promises, and blessings of My Name!
56. There the spirit recognizes that it cannot approach the perfection of the Father, and directing its gaze to the earth, where it did not know how to make use of its time and the opportunity for it to come closer to its goal, asks for another period of flesh to atone for its faults and complete unfulfilled missions.
57. Who then performed justice? Was it not the spirit itself that formulated the judgment?
58. My Spirit is a mirror in which you must look at yourselves, and which will tell you the state of purity you maintain.
59. When your spirit leaves its human shell, and in the sanctuary of the spiritual life recollects in its inner depths to examine its past and the results of it, many of its acts that here in the world had seemed perfect to it, worthy of being presented to the Lord and deserving of some reward, seem small in the instant of that meditation; the spirit will understand that the meaning of many acts that in the world seemed good to it, were mere traces of vanity, of false love, of a charity not felt by the heart.
60. Who do you believe has given to the spirit the enlightenment of a perfect judge in order to judge itself? The conscience, which at that hour of justice will seem to glow with a clarity never seen before, will be who tells each one which from its works on earth was good, just, real, and true, as well as what was evil, false, or impure that it sowed along the way.
61. The sanctuary of which I have just told you is that of the conscience: that temple that none may profane, the temple in which God dwells, and from which his voice and his light issue.
62. In the world you have never known how to enter that inner sanctuary, for your human personality always seeks the way to evade that wise voice that speaks inside each man.
63. I tell you that when your spirit puts aside its shell, it will finally be able to stop before the portal of that sanctuary to prepare itself to enter; and before that altar of the spirit, prostrate itself, listen to itself, examine its works in the light that comes from the conscience; and hear speaking within itself the voice of God, as Father, as Master, and as Judge.
64. No mortal can imagine, in its full solemnity, that moment through which each must pass in order to know what good you bear within, and how to conserve it, and that which you must reject because it cannot be carried any more within the spirit.
65. When the spirit feels itself to be in front of its conscience and the conscience makes itself present with the clarity of truth, that being feels without the strength to hear itself; it wished it had never existed, because in an instant all its life passes before its eyes: what it left behind, what it possessed and what belonged to it, and that for which it must now finally account.
66. Disciples, humanity: Prepare yourselves in this life for that instant, so that when your spirit presents itself at the threshold of the temple of the conscience, you do not make of that temple a courtroom, for the spiritual pain would be so great that there is no physical pain comparable.
67. I wish you to meditate on what I have said to you in this teaching, so that you understand how your judgment is carried out in the spiritual realm. In this way you will vanquish the image that exists in your imagination of a courtroom presided over by God in the form of an old man, placing on his right his good children, so that they may enjoy heaven, and to his left the bad ones so that they may be condemned to eternal punishment.
68. It is time already that the light comes to the highest part of your spirit and your understanding so that the truth may shine in each man and he be prepared to enter the spiritual life with dignity.
(from THE THIRD TESTAMENT, Revelations of Jesus Christ, Chapter 28, Awakening in the Beyond)
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