Night Musings # 374 - Awakening To Your God-Self (I AM) - True Freedom From Condemnation

1 year ago

#renegademusings #awakening #godself #subconscious #subconsciousmind #iam #divinity #oneness #universe #nocondemnation #fearless #selfrealisation #godrealisation #godrealization #consciousness #consciousnessevolutionjourney #christianity #christian #relationshipwithgod #eckharttolle

Sharing another insight from the deep subconscious ...
One of the first things that happens when a person is awakened to the God-Self that they are, you lose all sense of #condemnation and the sense of 'being #wrong ' in your Self (stay with me, I will explain).
It's a true experience of being free from condemnation, because AS the 'God-Self' you essentially are #god . And there is no outside God, no outside #judge that could potentially #condemn you.
I know this is mentioned in the Christian #scriptures, but without the experience you can never find it, you can never see it in the scriptures, because you see it as one who is separate from God. You can only "see" it after you have had the experience, looking back.
And the #conscious (mental) #separation from God will simply always invite condemnation, will always invite that 'eye in the sky' type feeling with the #holyspirit looking over your shoulder #convicting you of what you are doing wrong.
It's hard to explain in a linear way; you would have to be standing in my shoes and truly experience '#oneness ', the unified one absolute #godself that you are.
Only when you are standing in the shoes of God, metaphorically speaking is all #judgement and condemnation eliminated, because there is no #power higher than yourself that could condemn you.
And as a result of that, there is nothing and no one to condemn you for your actions. Subsequently, you are also raised into a higher #frequency , #highervibrations that align more with #Divinity (#love ), that aligns more with your God-Self.
You could never be a #thief , you could never be a #liar , you could never be a #murderer , you could never #hate in the high vibrations of the God-Self. That is the true God-Self, that is the Soul realisation of the DIVINE Soul.
If one were to take on and claim "God-Self" for their #ego , you would become the biggest tyrant, a liar, a cheater and a manipulator. That is not the same thing and NOT what I am talking about here. I am talking about the Consciousness of God AS you. And I have never experienced anything like that in #christianity .
I have never experienced anything LIKE it, while I held onto the "relationship with God" status, of me relating WITH God and TO God as my Father... as my LORD, as an authority "above" me.
See, when you have a separate (being as) Father (separation consciousness), the potential for him punishing and disciplining you still exists. And because the potential still exists, you still feel unconsciously a potential for fear, for concern and anxiety... even if you know that your Father loves you!
But if we take the example, the template of our earthly fathers... even tho they love/d us, there is always the potential for discipline, for correction. You might be doing something wrong (sometimes unknowingly, or because your dad sees it differently) and you are going to get a spanking! And there is an element of anxiety that will always exist with that, subconsciously.
And this is true with our "relationship WITH God" as our Father. In the very background of our mind, there is still the potential "what if He finds something worthy of discipline in me"? "What if there will be a judgement, what if He finds a shadow in me and I don't make it"?
That will always be there, even tho you are all cozied up to the idea that God is loving, a loving Father. You are just never quite sure, hence why Christians to this day argue over 'once saved always saved' etc. - these are concerns generated by this subconscious insecurity.
By default, the template of 'father and child' relationship, always entails the potential for punishment/discipline, that's just the way it is set up and the way we learned it in this earth life. And we subconsciously project it on God (all throughout the Bible), even tho we are not 'conscious' of it, even tho we deny it... that is always there in the relationship dynamic. That happens and remains as long as we have an 'authority' that is over us... OVER us... ABOVE us.
But in the consciousness of Oneness, that you ARE God... that anxiety and that fear and that vibration melts away, you won't need a disciplinarian when you are in the consciousness of God-Self.
I hope this makes sense. I hope I can encourage you to be open to the idea and the experience, it will change your life in an even greater way! ❤

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