Two Women unable to get on the Organ Transplant list for not Complying.

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It's 2023, and in our modern day Australian morality the founding principles are, at least in Queensland, Comply or . . . ?

To me and Dr Oosterhuis, this is utterly unacceptable, infact we can't beleive it, but to the surgeons in charge of the transplant teams, "our way or the highway of no return" is perfectly fine.

So what is going on?

Are people who think like Dr Oosterhuis and myself moral Neanderthals on the way out?

Or is our society, ruined by years of fear, now stumbling in the debris, where we are so pre occupied, trying to pretend that everything is fine, that we are yet to accept that we are lost.

Monday at 8pm Melbourne Time.

With our guests Helen and Sofie
And your hosts Dr Paul Oosterhuis and Michael Gray Griffith

Michael Gray Grifffith

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