International Recruitment Made Easy w/ John Jonas (Online Jobs PH)

1 year ago

John Jonas is the Founder of OnlineJobs.Ph. His company has helped more than 100,000 companies successfully hire Filipino talent by simplifying the outsourcing experience.

John was extremely early to the trends of remote work, international hiring, and niche job boards. His reward has been more than 15 years in business and a day-to-day in the present that is low stress and highly impactful.

In this episode, Aaron and John talk about the origins of OnlineJobs.Ph, what he’s learned about delegating tasks to his team, and why his team members have stuck around with him for more than a decade.

John Jonas’ Challenge: “Take the leap”

00:00 - 00:35 Who is John Jonas?
01:09 - 04:27 The Secret of
04:30 - 07:25 How did John Jonas make more accessible
07:51 - 10:39 How did John Jonas retain his team
11:18 - 12:10 Loyalty doesn't exist in the US
13:07 - 20:15 How did John Jonas started
20:29 - 22:19 John Jonas relationship with the local government in the Philippines
24:29 - 27:48 John Jonas motivation for the company
28:32 - 29:24 You are not Hiring a Skill, You are Hiring a Personality
29:40 - 30:19 How to Hire People
30:40 31:46 John Jonas Call To Action

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