7 Types of College Student Zombies

2 years ago

🧟‍♂️ The zombie apocalypse is here just look around! Will you survive? Take the test to find out! 🧟‍♀️
👉 https://bit.ly/Zombie-Survival-Test 👈

8 A.M.-er Zombie: This zombie is always up early and can be spotted shuffling to 8 a.m. classes in a zombie-like trance.

Late Night Snacker Zombie: This zombie can be found wandering the halls of their dorm at all hours of the night, heading to the vending machines for a snack.

Overworked Zombie: This zombie is typically found in the library or studying late at night, fueled by coffee and exhaustion.

Procrastinator Zombie: This zombie is always rushing to finish assignments at the last minute and can be found frantically typing away at all hours of the night.

Party Animal Zombie: This zombie can be found stumbling around campus late at night, typically after a night of partying.

Crammer Zombie: This zombie can be found studying for exams in the library days before the exams, surrounded by mountains of books and notes.

Sleepyhead Zombie: This zombie can be found sleeping in class or dozing off during lectures, usually due to staying up too late the night before.

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