They've Had The Cure For Cancer All Along...(HIDDEN From You) 1 hr 53

1 year ago

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski

It is all about money the FDA Drug Cartel does not want you to know. We are surprised our Government Cartel did not make him vanish? Right FDA, WHO…???

When you understand that we are under an evil, greedy, money making machine Cartel operation call US Gov to "Fool You" and brainwash you into giving all your money to them, once they drain you, then you will be terminated.

A bit long but when gov drags you through hell to keep you quiet, whelp you make the judgment call.

Thx Bob, this was eye opening. Hopefully for other that believe the Dangerous Cartel running the country raping all they can get away with, will see their Lies and find Truth.

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