IsraeLeak exposure event clip 5: Who is the Professional?

2 years ago

In a response to Reuters "Fact Checking" report to early releases from the IsraeLeak tape, an anonymous official in the IMoH claimed the tape contains "a preliminary attempt of a supporting team to understand from epidemiological experts how to continue and analyse the raw data in a correct manner".

This edited clip highlights places in the tape that indicate the exact opposite. In fact, it was the research team who demonstrated a deeper understanding in the pharmacovigilance domain, which was applauded many times by the IMoH people.

Now that the full tape is publicly available, we challenge that anonymous IMoH official and those Reuters "fact checkers" who presumably verified their statements, to point to the exact position in the tape in which they believe the research team is consulting with the IMoH team (rather than teaching them) about how to process the raw data...

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