1914 Bean Pot: Peanut and Tomato Puree

1 year ago

1914 Bean Pot: Peanut and Tomato Puree
For the Bride
American Advertising Association
3 cupfuls peanuts
2 quarts water
1 cup strained tomatoes
1 tsp olive oil
Lump of butter size of walnut
Shell the raw peanuts and blanch. Add to a pint of the blanched nuts about two quarts of water. Put them into a beanpot, heat to boiling, then place in a slow oven and cook for nine to ten hours. When done they should be soft and mealy and rich with juices. Rub three cupfuls of cooked peanuts through colander and add one cup of strained stewed tomatoes. Season with salt, heat and serve. One teaspoon of olive oil and lump of butter size of black walnut serves for meat in any bean, nut, lentil or potato soup. Vegetables may be added, as many or few as liked.
Did we eat it? Yes
Would I make it again? Yes
Notes: I didn’t have raw peanuts. I had to use dry roasted. They still came out! After about 10 hours of cooking, they are soft and mealy.

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