2 years ago

1. Dennis Wasserman (landlord) OCF Realty (liason for Dennis Wasserman) -for an orchestrated set up to reside at 626 S. 19th Street, Apt 1F beginning in 2010 which led to more orchestrated activity, including me calling the police for a seeming domestic violence case up the street with the cop and party standing outside my window and later ruckus in the middle of the night causing me to believe I would be MURDERED in my apartment in January of 2011. Whistleblower-type harassment would ensue, relentlessly, i was disoriented and trapped in a dog walking business situation until 2017/18. Dennis Wasserman, without due process or normal communications, would lock me out of my apartment without giving good reason in writing.
2. The Murano-where I walked dogs for several clients, namely George T and Stephanie N. (Emma and maybe Gracie--two King Cane Corsos) and the now deceased John B, (Murda bernese mountain dog), as well as Mike and Lindsay A. (two King Cavaliers--Scout and Luci) and, at times a few others including Sheila W. and her Bull Dog(s), Pasha for a younger couple, and a dog walk for a younger couple living on the top floor--one a nurse in neuroscience or similar and her boyfriend--a manager at Staples on disability. The building seemed 'gangsterish' meaning a lot of the lower level employees went to great lengths to harass me as a dog walker, among other residents in the building seemingly playing games. This dates back to 2010/2011 and through 2016.
3. A. hiring manager(hiring managers for script) for making me assume/believe I was being offered a job, only to respond to my excited email that he was just looking for people for a second interview. (have the email exchanges)
4. Gainesville High School and Kelly Staffing Services in Florida for what felt like a set up by students and possibly staff which was very provocative causing me to 'put my foot down' like Alachua County and Kelly SErvices trainers would say to do to students "copping an attitude"...this led to a roomful of special students of lower academic stature who were breaking about 10 rules that I was willing to overlook already, to try to call me racist. (also alachua county would switch their substitute teaching services to Kelly Staffing for schools--an extension of Kelly Staffing Services) AFTER I began substituting during the spring of 2019. It was the summer of 2019 when everything was switched and implemented.
5. I would also like to know more about Greenberg and Trau(ma)rig on 1717 Arch because two of its other offices would handle the bankruptcy case of a gym I worked for leading up to the pandemic as a yoga instructor. YouFit Health and Fitness. The two Greenberg and Traumarig offices would be in Delaware (Biden) and Chicago (Obama)
****when will the orchestration stop in my case because I'm not going away and I plan to live forever just to get back at these people***
6. The owners/management/property people around 133 Bread Street,, or between Drury/Arch/Race and 3rd and 4th or 2nd and 4th for a power outage blackout that would occur exactly when I was doing overnight house sitting for residents and their pets at 133 North Bread Street. [p.s. there would also be a power outage at my address 626 s 19th st apt 1f on another date ...as well as pipes bursting in the basement of 624 s 19th street during a time when all of 20th street and possible 21st between south and bainbridge streets experienced frozen pipes/bursting...and the one house on 19th st. simultaneously]
7 Shipt Delivery Service for firing me all of a sudden and unexpectedly the fall of 2020, after my mother passed away and shortly before my father would pass away, without any reason, this firing. i tried to contact anyone who would talk to me from that company with absolutely no success at all. Impossible to get a human being there. Birmingham, Alabama.
8. North Florida Regional Hospital in Gainesville Florida for the treatment of my mother and aunt who wound up passing away during and under their care. My mother transported back and forth twice to physical therapy and back to the hospital--Select Physical Therapy on Archer Road. My aunt would have mysterious happenings around here including a white board with her name on it as Margarot (ROT) Jane Kirk, which i noticed when walking in just after they intubated her without seemingly enough sedation. She was suffering gravely. My mother's experience at the Physical therapy location was odd and unusual and demeaning in certain peoples' presence (I could go on forever). Abusive lower level CNAs, white caps left in her bed at the hospital, all sorts of questionable activities.
10. Susan J. of 1820 S. Rittenhouse Square & staff of home care certified nursing assistants
11 Dentist at Delancy and 20th. (not enough room to describe everything. Had to cut and edit. therefore numbers off and needed information, which is contained in an email for suing purposes)

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